
15 Feb 2021
Westshore RFC would like to thank Christel Hume for your 23 yrs as the Clubs Treasurer, as she stepped down over the holiday season!!
Your Westshore/Velox family wish you the best in your future retirement plans with Jon, and look forward to seeing you at the pitch at the next rugby game!!!
10 Feb 21
The current  BC Public Health Order has been extended until the end of March 21.  This also means that from BCRU the start up of the Spring Season or any activities are also on pause until further notice.
9 JAN 2021

Good Day:

Currently there is a new BC Public Health Order from Dr Bonnie Henry extending further restrictions on public sport until 5 Feb 2021, with possibility of another extension upon completion of this date.

BCRU CEO, Annabel Kehoe published a statement on rugby activities with this message for all BC Clubs and its members: “I highly recommend that Clubs wait until after February 5 to resume rugby activities. I believe these current constraints to be impractical to maintain while delivering fun, rewarding rugby safely. We know that there is light at the end of this tunnel and I anticipate that we will be able to return to Phase 3 Safety Plans in February/March 2021 (unless further restrictions and/or extensions from the Public Health Officer, of course).”  Full message available here: BC Rugby Responds to February 5 PHO Extension – BC Rugby

Based on the recommendations of these Officials and Offices, along with Westshore RFC wishing to protect our members and the public from COVID-19 health risks: We will not be opening for ANY rugby activities until sometime in Feb 2021 once Phase 3 is safely able to resume.

Thank you for your patience and support in this matter.

Westshore RFC Board of Directors

5 JAN 2021
Join the team supporting the future of Westshore RFC.
Our website link with supporting info:
Westshore RFC would like to thank all active military members and Veterans past and present for their service to and for our country. LEST WE FORGET!!
It is with a heavy heart that Westshore Velox RFC announces the unfortunate passing of Dennis Crawford last week. He was a legendary stalwart of the Velox years both on and off the field. An intimidating front row Prop known for grinding out and dominating opponents with his grit, strength and tenacity on the pitch. Playing with Velox colours through the 80’s and 90’s on many teams, also as an original member of the Velox Valhallians merger with UVIC. Dennis was also busy off the field constantly fixing and maintaining the old Velox Club house on Gordon Head Rd which he assisted with building. His mischievous smirk could always be seen around the pitch as he mentored and encouraged the upcoming players to reach for the top…or told them to smash through opponents…and never give them an inch defensively by manning up! The Board of Directors and all members send our deepest condolences and prayers to his family. Dennis you were a true role model that bleed Velox colours of Blue and Black: You will be missed!!!
Westshore RFC would like to acknowledge and thank Andy Foster of Fosters Moving & Storage for sponsorship of the club and its programs.  Andy sponsored the procurement for all new Gilbert balls for the Youth and Junior programs, a very costly venture that displays his commitment to support our kids with the right tools for the future. Andy has been an amazing  volunteer in our organization as a Junior’s coach, Director  of Fields and Equipment, and recently Director of Junior Rugby Operations on the Board of Directors.  Not to mention also as a player on the Men’s teams. Thank you for all your contributions Andy. If anyone is looking for professional moving company call at 250-418-0418.  Website:
Do you know what the refund policy is for a player?
Do you know of the time lines associated with either receiving a full or partial refund?
Check out the bottom of the Registration Page on our website to find out:
Did you just check out this BLOG because it was posted on the rugby clubs social media sites?
If you did…AWESOME!!
Check here regularly for clubs updates.
No training tonight (13 Oct) due to Mother Nature and the sky is leaking…
The rugby club will be conducting an AGM on 28th Oct 20 at 7:30pm for all, We encourage all members to please attend this virtual event.
Within the week of the AGM, the ZOOM meeting details will be posted in the Facebook event for all to participate. Facebook Event-AGM
Grounds rules are to please keep your mic muted at all times unless you are speaking, when speaking please be brief and respectful to others in meetings.
The following positions on the Board of Directors are empty or current member occupying will be vacating by AGM:
  • -Director of Fields & Equipment
  • -Treasurer
Details of these positions can be found in the Manual of Policy on our website:…/westshore-rfc-manual-of-policy/
All other Board of Director positions are staying on in current roles. But anybody may challenge for these positions against a sitting member if they wish to.
Our family member numbers are growing…we are now at 130 thus far…Great job everyone!!!-7 Oct 20
Westshore RFC would like to acknowledge and thank Jimmy Skailes of Skailes Electrical Services for sponsorship of the club and its programs. He has been a volunteer in our organization as a coach and also as a player on the Men’s teams. Thank you for all your contributions Jimmy. If anyone is looking for top notch electrical services give Jimmy a call at 250-507-9639.
Did you know that if you had a COVID-19 TEST, you are required to notify the Rugby Club that you are/have been tested, and not eligible to attend any training sessions until the NEGATIVE test results are received back. This is laid out in our Safety Plan on our website:…/westshore-rfc-covid-19…/
If you are not feeling well or sick…remember to answer the attestation honestly and stay home. You may not have COVID-19, but being sick means you are still contagious for another illness just the same. Please show your team mates the respect they deserve and stay home to recover.
I would like to take the time to acknowledge and thank the team of our incredible volunteers who have organized and worked hard to achieve our BCRU sanctioning, and setting up our daily training sessions for our many players to actually take the field.
The Board of Directors: Mike Holmes, Cam Neish, John Lyall, Raymondo Barkwill, Barbara Mervin, Kellyjane Hanvey, Andrew Foster, Ian Rose, Christel Hume, Terri-Lynn Gustafson Foggitt and myself.
Our Coaches and Managers: Aaron Frisby, Nanyak Dala, Barbara Mervin, John Lyall, Brian Scanlan, Austyn Brackett, Clancy McDonnell, Liz Vasey, Mia Edgar, Brittany Sims, Courtney Sims, Mike McDougall, Amanda Thornborough, Kaleigh Dupuis, Muavae Va’a, Foster Dewitt, Amy Gabrielle, David Phillips.
And Our Medical/Trainer Staff: Kevin Sommerfeldt, Eyla Payne, Kennedy Mar.
Many members are having issues of where and when to login to Sportlomo, trying to enter the wrong program and re-registering, now with 2 accounts and paying a 2nd time. So here is a break down and what each login screen looks like.
  • Sportlomo Managers login: The 1st picture has a blue back ground. Is for all Staff to “Manage” registration and training sessions. Is where a Manager goes to add a player’s name into the training session by date, so that player will receive a scheduled session to complete the attestation for when they login to their Sportlomo User account. If you do not receive a session in your schedule, it is because your Manager did not enter your name, contact them to fix it. This link is different then the user link:
  • Sportlomo User Account Login: The 2nd picture has a white background. This is for everyone who already registered and/or have an existing account. This is where a player must enter the day of a session and complete their attestation (Blue graph icon) AND confirm they are attending (Green check mark). It is your login and password; the club does not have this data on file and can not help you if you forget it. Only BCRU Director of Membership – Marga Sison can do that for permissions, so yes call her at 1-604-737-3065. This link is different then the other links:
  • Sportlomo Registration Account login-Rugby Canada: The 3rd picture has a red background. This is where players/staff go to FIRST REGISTER for the season. It is through Rugby Canada, and when used will create or update your account for the upcoming season by charging you money. If you have already completed this step for the season, DO NOT DO IT AGAIN!!! Because, you will have to go in and delete one of the accounts because you duplicated this step. You only have 14 days once completed to cancel and receive a refund, after that, you will not get a full refund directly onto your credit card, a long drawn out process ensues. But on the top of this screen indicated by a yellow box in picture, is the link to the SPORTLOMO User login above. This link is different then the other links:


27 Sep 20

First training session night of the Fall non-contact season was a huge success!! It was awesome seeing all the excited kids and players enjoy the night with a rugby ball in hand. Thank you to all the volunteers (Coaches, Managers, Medical Staff), along with John Lyall and Andrew Foster running entrance tents and COVID-19 New Processes.  Check out the link below for lots of pictures from the night on our webpage.

Westshore RFC 1st Fall Non-Contact Training Session



This will be the process for EVERY training session, regardless of the group.

All players will exit off pitch to the sideline between the 2 grass fields only.

Collect personal gear if required.

Proceed along sideline area straight towards far end of the field into the “EXIT POINT AREA” with the 4 Red Cones and hand sanitizing station (pictures below).

All players will sanitize hands before exiting through the gate of cones (just like rucks in rugby) onto the pavement “PICKUP AREA”. (Sponsored by Aaron Frisby of The Tube Shack)

You are not allowed back into the field after this point, and must stay outside the single chain fence surrounding grass field.

If you parked in parking lot, you must walk around field using road to your vehicle by clubhouse.…/how-to-enter-exit-grass-fields-f…/



This will be the process for EVERY training session, regardless of the group.

When you either park your vehicle or get dropped off at the grass field, Please follow the flow arrows for entering and exiting the field as per the 1st photo.

Look for the On-Site Field Manager in the “ENTRANCE AREA” check-in table/tent. Stay in-between the 2 rows of cones. Form a line remembering the 2M separation. 3rd picture has a player demonstrating the wrong area for players to be when trying to enter the field. (Photo set up intentional).
Manager will ensure you completed attestation (COVID-19 disclaimer) in your Sportlomo user account:

Sanitize your hands (Thanks Aaron Frisby of The Tube Shack for sponsoring) and enter through the gate (just like rucks in rugby) onto the Try Zone part of the field (Cones laid out) and wait for your Coach/Staff to come and get you.

How to enter/Exit Grass Fields for Fall Non-Contact Session


With your paid registration for the 1st half of the Non-Contact sessions. You will receive a Westshore RFC T-shirt sponsored by our President Mike Holmes of Pemberton Holmes. These will be available tonight, limited sizes and amounts, get there early.



24 Sep 20

REMINDER: If planning to attend our 1st training session tonight, login to your Sportlomo User account and complete the attestation (Blue graph on scheduled training session), Then select the check mark for attending indication.

This will always be available as you wake up on the morning of every training session day to complete. (Opens up 18 hours prior to session start)




Before any member may attend any training session, they must follow the checklist below for each day of a session:

1. Be already Registered in Sportlomo as a Player, Staff (Coach, Manager, etc) before hand

2. On the day of scheduled training session, Log in to your Sportlomo User account:

a. Select “Schedule” box in bottom left corner.

b. Select the training session date you wish to attend.

c. Complete the attestation questionnaire, blue graph icon below.

d. then Select green check mark icon indicating you are attending. (Will not allow this step until attestation completed)

3. Arrive at field and check in with On-Site Field Manager at the Entry Point Area on the field (Corner of Try Zone by Club house)

Use this YOUTUBE video from BCRU for this process:

If steps 1 & 2 are not completed prior to arriving at the field, you will not be eligible to enter training session and will be turned away.

If you are registered and do not see training sessions date for your team, please see Team Manager.



18 Sep 20



The registration is now open for the Fall Non-Contact 12 Week training sessions that start up next week.

Everyone must be registered BEFORE attending 1st training session or will not be allowed field access to participate!!

Club Kit included: Blue T-Shirt with Westshore RFC logo, as supplies and sizes last. Sponsored by Pemberton Holmes.

10 Sep 20


The Club will be receiving sanctioning from BCRU this week, with registration being open over this weekend.

Members must be registered with Sportlomo prior to taking the field, along with completion of daily attestation for training sessions days. Details to follow.

Training sessions for next week on the grass pitch are:

Tuesday 7:15-8:15 pm Men’s
Thursday 5-5:45 pm Youth U6 – U12
Thursday 6- 7 pm Juniors U13 – U19
Thursday 7:15-8:15 pm Men/Women
Saturday 11 am-Noon Women
Sunday 10-1045am Youth U6 – U12
Sunday 11 am-Noon Juniors U13 – U19

Players must check in with the On-Field Manager at the Entry Point Area/Table upon arriving at the field. Details to follow.

The map below shows us in YELLOW for RUBGY RE-ENGAGE for summer.
Westshore RFC has applied for sanctioning from BCRU to operate in a non-contact environment for a Fall session.
Be aware of some of the restrictions and rules in this Fall session with the posters from the BCRU website.
George Jones – A Rugby Man – Tribute By Jim Hume – 14 Jun 20

It had been a long game played in its final quarter against insurmountable odds and with the referee in charge making some hard to understand calls.

But all his life George Jones had played in odds-against contests as a rugby player on fields home and foreign, and as a lawyer in the highest courts in his homeland Canada and abroad. His reputation on the playing field and in the courtroom was the same: you never quit seeking a way to win; never concede until the final whistle has blown or a high court has pronounced a verdict.

And that’s the way it was for George until Monday, May 25, 2020, when the final whistle blew 86-years after it started with his birth in Victoria on September 22, 1933. His father was Vice-Admiral George Jones, chief of the  Royal Canadian Navy during WW2. His mother was Helen Fordham Johnson, daughter of  B.C’s Lieut.-Governor (1931-38),John William Fordham Johnson.

George junior went “gently” into what Welsh poet Dylan Thomas described as “that good night”  – but not until his greatest game and trial were declared over by the unchallengeable time-keeper.

He had fought for many months, losing a little ground each month and year as time moved by, but never his courage in fighting the odds. What he displayed in those final months was what he had always displayed in law and at play: integrity, perseverance, and the ability to call up the George Jones grin in adversity.

Andrew Hume, former President of the old Velox Rugby Club and scrum-half and team Captain, remembers George and his philosophy as coach. Andy was playing for the Third Div squad when George listed him for a Second Div game. “One sparkling moment in the game,” he recalls “came when a gap opened just a few yards out from the goal line. An easy try….but I spotted my winger alongside and slid a pass to him – a pass he obviously wasn’t expecting. It was a knock-on and we lost the ball. After the game George put his arm around my shoulder and quietly said: “There’s a time to give and a time to go. Remember that and you’ll be a better player.”

It’s a lesson he taught generations of players and young lawyers. One remembered still by once young, now elderly, teammates who still stand a little taller when remembering George’s “totally disarming chuckle – even after games had gone badly.” He knew when it was finally time to go for touch and the final play of the life-long game.

The chuckle along with the famous George Jones’ combined cheeky grin and smile were lifelong trademarks, shared freely and as often as his good works – which were many.

George had a long experience with James Bay and players from both Velox and JBA never hesitated to tap him for legal advice on everything from speeding tickets to disorderly conduct following game winning celebrations.

He was generous with his time. Always.

There was a time when the Second Division Velox RFC – having lost half a team of key players to First Division players– fell on hard times with a season of disastrous losses. Time,some surviving members felt, to disband and join a time tested club.

Coach Jones thought otherwise. He thought what the team needed was a morale booster shot and that an international tour would be just the thing. Within a year infused with never ending Jones’ enthusiasm, the team was ready to travel to the Caribbean for a series of games organized by George in Jamaica,Martinique, Barbados and other exotic tropical points– but there was a problem. One or two of the players couldn’t raise the cash to make the trip.

“Tell them not to worry,” George told the captain. And the full team made the trip and one player still tells part of the story. “His tour message to us on rules and behaviour were simple: “Drink after the games, not before  — and let’s have fun playing wide open rugby. And we did. The team came back stronger than it had ever been and although we still were not winning many games there wasn’t any doubt which club in town was having the most fun. George’s spirit and his zest for life held the club together through its darkest time. It stands strong today because new strengths have been built on pretty solid George Jones’ foundations.”

And one of the strongest blocks in that foundation is the George Jones creation of a Female 15 playing wide open rugby. It was treated – or greeted – with smiles when it began, regarded as a feminist fad doomed to flash and fade.

George taught his students well and his players soaked up the lessons. They wanted to learn; they wanted to play better. They studied and their practices were dedicated affairs. Other teams sprang up around the province and in recent years around the world.

From full 15 rugby sprang Seven-a-side aside. Women now dazzle in both – Valkyrie championship trophies overshadow the mens’ Valhallians. No one was prouder of their victories than George – the rugby lawyer who in the eyes of one observer “practiced law like take-no-prisoner rugby and played rugby like a lawyer always looking for the opportunity he could use to advantage.”

I don’t know if George had any love for poetry but a dozen lines written by John Masefield would be the kind of thought I think he would like to pass to those who loved him. Masefield was in his late Eighties when he died in England in 1867 at – “a ripe old age”of 87. George was a year younger.

In the spring of 1986 Velox started to fall on hard times on the field and this coincided with the impending graduation of a number of Vikings from Uvic.  The Uvic graduates did not want to play for the existing clubs in town . In typical fashion George saw an opportunity and invited a few players including Mark Wyatt, Tony Arthurs and Mike Holmes to his basement in Broadmead. On the strength of many memorable whiskies, “donated” by one of his clients, the idea of Velox-Valhallians was borne. It was not a perfect marriage,  bikers and eggheads, but George helped keep it together and the two partners soon learned and grew to appreciate each other’s strengths. There is no doubt that without each other the club would not have survived.  George went on to make some noise and with connections help the club secure a long term lease on the old house and field of the Hume family.

George was always a great promoter of player’s welfare and rights and when Rugby Canada fired peremptorily beloved National Team coach David Clark , George sprang into action and organized a player’s strike.  This was the impetus , after a long drawn out battle in the press and in rugby boardrooms, to a long needed change of governance at Rugby Canada and the re-hiring of David Clark.

One of George’s well known talents was the penning of nicknames for friends and enemies alike. Among the classics, the red jacket brigade ( for allicadoos at Rugby Canada) and the headless bunyon. These often coloured his public letters to the powers that be to great outrage.

George was ultimately proudest of his contribution to the establishment of the Canadian Rugby Foundation.  George persevered , with others,  through much opposition to secure approval to the establishment of the Foundation in 2002.  With his persuasive charm Georgie helped convince Gren Thomas to donate a million dollars to establish the endowment.  It was George’s dream to see rugby promoted in the poorer communities in all of Canada and to give opportunities to all young people to play the game he loved so much. In that spirit a scholarship has been established in his name.

A Song at Parting

The tick of the blood is settling slow, my heart will soon be still.

And ripe and ready am I for rest in the grave at the top of the hill;

15 Mar 2020
Due to the Corona Virus/COVID-19 health situation in Canada and world wide, Rugby Canada has directed its provincial rugby unions (BCRU for us) to officially suspend all rugby across the country.  This includes all practices and games for all interclub activities as well, until at least 10 Apr 2020.
Westshore RFC will comply with these directives for ALL activities for all programs (Youth, Junior, Adult) due to public safety. We will not know the consequences or the plan for the future with regards to schedules or playoffs, until such time that the regulatory bodies give direction in early to mid April.
We will keep our members updated through social media of further future developments. Both BCRU and RC links for this situation are listed below.



BCRU has cancelled all rugby play and actions for this weekend (14-15 Mar) due to public safety concerns with the COVID-19 Virus epidemic. A statement was released via email to all BCRU members, and article posted on their social media.

Westshore RFC Board of Directors and Club will comply and support these actions in the best interests of our members and club. We will keep all of our members up to date on the situation as they arise via social media streams.

12 MAR 2020

12 MAR 2020


With many developments over the last 24 hours relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, please read the following carefully.

  1. Inter-Club Activity within BC for March 14 & 15 is Suspended

While the COVID-19 risk remains low within Canada and British Columbia, all inter-club activity is suspended for this upcoming weekend.  This decision has been made in response to the concerns and well-being of all BC Rugby Members. This applies to ALL age-groups and divisions. Clubs may arrange supplementary training or inter-squad matches at their own discretion, maintaining safe and hygienic practices.

This cancellation gives us all an opportunity to practice self-care and BC Rugby will re-evaluate the situation early next week and provide a subsequent communication.

  1. Out of Country/Province Rugby Travel is Not Recommended to High Risk Countries/Areas

Yesterday, the World Health Organization announced that the COVID-19 virus is now considered at the pandemic stage.  We have been informed by Rugby Canada’s National Insurance Policy underwriters that this new status impacts all Members’ Emergency Travel Medical coverage. Specifically, since COVID-19 is a known pandemic, emergency coverage would not be considered unforeseen and therefore coverage would not apply and not be considered eligible at this point.  This means, all other travel insurance remains in place except for the scenario of a travelling member becoming infected with COVID-19 while on that tour.

Therefore, any Clubs or Associate Members with an out-of-country tour planned in the immediate or near future should review the Government of Canada’s Travel Advisories to find out if your destination is affected by Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and read the Safety and security, Entry/exit requirements and Health sections of the Government’s Travel Advice and Advisories. If you have any concerns or wish to discus the implications of this, please contact me directly via email or phone.

Any team currently on tour out of country will be contacted directly by Rugby Canada.

  1. Further clarity for Rugby in Washington State

In addition to our communication from yesterday, we are prohibiting any BC Rugby Club or Associate Member to take part in any rugby activities within Washington State while their event restriction remains in place.

  1. World Rugby Level 1 Referee Course planned for March 15 Cancelled

While we could modify the course to provide ‘social distancing’, we feel that it would compromise the learning experience. Therefore, this course is cancelled. We will aim to reschedule this and will be in contact with all registered participants to explore an alternative date.

All Clubs and Affiliate Members are asked to reinforce the following health advice to players, team personnel and spectators:

  • Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread).
  • Practice other good hygiene habits:
    • do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands;
    • cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow);
    • restrict sharing of water bottles.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, e.g. tackle bags
  • Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise in moderation).
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Contact 8-1-1 (HealthLink BC) or your health care provider for questions about your personal health situation.

BC Rugby will continue to monitor the situation, relying on the BC Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Washington State Department of Health, and the World Health Organisation and their published guidance.

Best wishes & good health,

Annabel Kehoe
Chief Executive Officer, BC Rugby


WEEKEND SUMMARY-22 FEB 2020-Sponsored by Brewis Electrical and Pro Pacific DKI-Victoria

Women Premier: Won vs Seattle 36-17

Women COWSHORE: Won 67-0 over United

Men’s Premier Reserve: Won vs UBCOB Ravens 29-27

Men’s Premier: Lost vs UBCOB Ravens 69-19

Next Week:

29 Feb 20

Women Premier: Bye

Women COWSHORE: Home (Westshore field) vs CW KO 11:15am

Men’s Premier Reserve: Home vs CW KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs CW KO 2:30pm

01 MAR 20

Youth South Island Jamboree #8-James Bay 10-11:30am.



Congratulations to Westshore Valkyrie Erin Geddie (#8) and Seattle Leah Ingold (#10) on selection for players of the match from BC Rugby News between Westshore and Seattle, the top 2 teams for the Women’s Premier division.





Westshore RFC would like to thank Westshore Velox Life Time Member Mark Wyatt as a major sponsor with Brewis Electrical located 638 Hillside Ave, serving all of Victoria.

From their website “Brewis Electric Generators of Victoria, was established in 1984 to service the surrounding area and provide residents with all their standby electric power solutions. Our staff of knowledgeable, dedicated professionals takes pride in providing outstanding, personalized service to our customers and our community. Call us today and become one of our many satisfied customers.

Call for electrical requirements, by their highly trained staff….and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located 638 Hillside Ave
Phone: 250-383-5157


Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor Pro Pacific DKI located 786-A Fairview Road.

From their website “It’s important to always do your best in business, and we think it’s even more critical when you’re operating in tight-knit communities, such as Nanaimo, Parksville, Port Alberni, Duncan, or larger centers such as Victoria. And as members and homeowners within these communities, we treat every renovation project like it’s our most important one. Because we know for our clients, it is. We are proud of the reputation our team has established for providing high-quality, efficient, professional services.

Call for any restoration service that you may require….and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

Located: 786-A Fairview Road
Phone: 250-383-0030


WEEKEND SUMMARY-8 FEB 2020-Sponsored by Fountain Tire-Langford and EMCO HVAC-Victoria

Women Premier: Lost vs Seattle 28-10

Men’s Premier: Lost vs Seattle 11-7

Next Week:

13 Feb 20-Thursday

Women Premier: Home under the lights vs UBC KO 6PM

15 Feb 20-Saturday-Family Day WKD

Men’s Premier Reserve: Home vs Rowers KO 12:45pm (Resched from 01 Feb)

Men’s Premier: Home vs Rowers KO 2:30pm (Resched from 01 Feb)



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor EMCO HVAC located Unit 5, 601 Boleskine Road, serving all of Victoria.

From their website “EMCO is one of Canada’s largest integrated distributors of products for the construction industry. EMCO offers products in the distinct categories of plumbing and heating, fire protection, industrial, oilfield supply and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning).  EMCO BC is proud to offer our customers over 28 conveniently located branches throughout BC. We service all of the major centers across the province and you are never more than 15 minutes away from an EMCO location in the Lower Mainland.  EMCO strives to satisfy the needs of its customers with a focused product assortment, transported and sold through an extensive network of branches, distribution warehouses and showrooms across Canada.

Call for Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heat Pump services, all completed in house by their highly trained staff….and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located in Unit 5, 601 Boleskine Road
Phone: 778-265-2500


Westshore RFC would like to thank major sponsor Mike Doughty Manager of Fountain Tire-Langford, located 2924 Jacklin Rd, serving all Westshore and beyound.

From their website ” We do a lot more then just tires at Fountain Tire.  Here is a list of services we provide:

Pre Trip Inspection, Tire Storage, Car Care Package Restrictions Apply, , Oil And Filter Change, Seasonal Maintenance Package Includes Oil Change, Tire Replacement, Air Conditioning, Balancing And Tire Repairs, Batteries, Brakes, Electrical, Exhaust, Flat Repair, Heating Cooling, Seasonal Tire Changeover, Shocks Struts, Transmission Services, Tune Ups, Wheel Alignment.

So swing by for all your automotive needs and requirement services….and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located” 2924 Jacklin Rd
Phone: 250-478-2217


WEEKEND SUMMARY-26 JAN 2020-Sponsored by Fosters Moving

Women Premier: Won vs Capilano 76-0

Women Cowshore: Lost vs Abbottsford 47-12

Men’s Premier Reserve: Won 29-22 vs JBAA

Men’s Premier: Won 8-3 vs JBAA

Next Week: 01 Feb 20

Women Premier: Bye

Women Cowshore: Home (Cowichan) vs Bayside KO 11:15am

Men’s Premier Reserve: Home vs Rowers KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs Rowers KO 2:30pm

02 Feb 20

Youth: Practice at Westshore 10-11:30am


OUTGOING DIRECTOR OF FACILTIY & EQUIPMENT- JAMES KNOWLES: Westshore RFC would like to thank and acknowledge the work and dedication of Director of Facility and Equipment, James Knowles for his past 2 years on the Board of Directors. James will be stepping down from his position due to his new appointment to the IUOE (International Union of Operating Engineers) Local 115 Executive Board, representing over 12 thousand members in BC, plus his family commitments with his 2 kids requiring more quality time with Dad. James has been with the club for the past 4+ years as a player, making an impact on and off the field. Winning the clubs George Jones award for displayed leadership and volunteer work on and off the field to better the club and community above his peers, demonstrating and personifies the clubs core values for back to years 2018 and 2019. He also was instrumental in establishing the clubs bus requirements as the manager and technician, including driving the bus on occasion when required, which was all the time!! The Club wishes James good luck in his next endeavors!!

NEW DIRECTOR OF FACILTIY & EQUIPMENT- ANDREW FOSTER: Westshore RFC Board of Directors would like to congratulate the new interim Director Andrew Foster.  Andrew has been with the club as a player for many years playing for men’s teams from Premier to 3rd Division.  Stepped up as a Junior Coach for the past 2 years for the Girls programs, while refereeing many games throughout the past seasons as well.  Andrew has been a big supporter of the club with his business Fosters Moving.  Welcome to the board in this leadership role Andrew!!



Join us at the Westshore Rugby Clubhouse for the Superbowl! We are also brining back a club tradition and will be hosting a chilli cook off so be sure to break out that old family recipe for a chance to win the Chilli Champ title (which is usually a 2XL t-shirt if John Lyall orders it). Everyone welcome!

3-8:30PM inside the Clubhouse at Westshore.


Upcoming games this weekend.


15 JAN 20

Westshore RFC would like to thank and acknowledge the work and dedication of Director of Facility and Equipment, James Knowles for his past 2 years on the Board of Directors. James will be stepping down from his position due to his new appointment to the IUOE (International Union of Operating Engineers) Local 115 Executive Board, representing over 12 thousand members in BC, plus his family commitments with his 2 kids requiring more quality time with Dad. James has been with the club for the past 4+ years as a player, making an impact on and off the field. Winning the clubs George Jones award for displayed leadership and volunteer work on and off the field to better the club and community above his peers, demonstrating and personifies the clubs core values for back to years 2018 and 2019. He also was instrumental in establishing the clubs bus requirements as the manager and technician, including driving the bus on occasion when required, which was all the time!! The Club wishes James good luck in his next endeavors!!



Full Senior teams combined schedule for the 2nd half.



Women: Lost vs Cowichan 27-24

Men’s Premier Reserve: Tied 38 All vs Capilano.

Men’s Premier: Lost 34-24 vs Capilano

Next Week: 30 Nov

Men’s Premier: Home vs UVIC KO 2:30

01 Dec 19

Youth: South Vancouver Island Jamboree #6, James Bay 10-11:30am

Juniors: Boys-Island Semi Finals, Location and KO TBD

Girls-Provincial Finals, Away to Vancouver for 3rd Place game.



A big shout out to Westshore members Keegan Hall, Dreydon Martin, Nanyak Dala and Clayton Panga currently away with the Dog River Howlers RFC in Nicaragua promoting rugby as ambassadors of Canada. Great article about Westshore’s Clayton Panga helping grow the sport of rugby around the world as well as home!!


Westshore RFC would like to congratulate Valkyries Brianna Miller and Paige Farries (1st poster) on the double wins over USA in the CAN-AM Series in Chula Vista, USA.


Westshore RFC would to announce and present the clubs new Social Coordinator-Clare Akauma!! Clare has been with us now for a couple of seasons as a Valkyrie, and just recently made selections for the Papua New Guinea National Team for the Oceanic Cup!!


1/2 side of organically raised Cowichan Beef!!  Only 250 tickets/$20 each…Going Quick!!!  See Barbara Mervin on Thursdays at the club or PM her to get your tickets!! Draw this Saturday!!


After a few years off, Westshore/Velox RFC are holding our third annual $10000 raffle.  Only 200 tickets will be sold and the winner will take home $10000!
$100 may seem like a lot of money but your odds of winning a $10000 are very high compared to other raffles/lotteries and be sure to partner up or get a group together to get in on as many tickets as possible. These tickets always sell out very fast!!!  Draw this Saturday 30th Nov 19.  See Aaron Frisby on Thursdays at the club or PM him to get your tickets!!


YOUTH/JUNIOR XMAS PARTY-14 Dec-1400 Lynburne Place-Bear Mountain

5TH ANNUAL 12 PUBS OF XMAS PARTY-SAT 30th NOV-Starts at Sharks Club at 7pm

Once again our annual 12 pubs of Christmas is back again. Clear your schedules and prepare those ugly sweaters for an unforgettable night for all.   similar route will be posted in the near future, so start organizing your teams of 4. Please don’t feel pressured to be at all the pubs and feel free to join in whenever and wherever throughout the evening. The main thing is to stick together as a group and try to stay on time.  Let’s kick-off the Christmas break right with some festive frosty soldiers and have a great night!



Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor H.I. Mechanical Inc located Westshore, serving all of Victoria.

From their website “At H.I. Mechanical Inc. we believe that the most important part of any project is its TEAM. We strive to work with our clients in a team like manner to insure all of our projects are completed on time and to our clients expectations. One key component to this, is our staff buying into our TEAM first mentality to insure we are going above and beyond the mechanical portion on your project, and working with you and other trades to insure a top quality product is produced.”

Call for Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heat Pump services, all completed in house by their highly trained staff….and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located in Westshore, serving all of Victoria.
Phone: 250-589-8959
Owner: Craig Inglis (Westshore RFC member)


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Definitive Drywall located at 698 Peto Court

From their FB site “A 2nd Generation family business based in Victoria BC dedicated to providing Quality Drywall Boarding and Finishing Services to Lower Vancouver Island.”

Drop them a line for all your renovation/drywall needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

FB Site:
location: 698 Peto Court

Phone: 250-516-1655



Women: Won vs Comox, score unreported

Men’s Premier Reserve: Lost 31-5 vs Port Alberni Black Sheep.

Men’s Premier: Lost 33-5 vs Pacific Pride (Canada U23 developmental Team).

Next Week: 23 Nov 19

Women: Home vs Cowichan KO 11:30am

Men’s Premier Reserve: Home vs Capilano KO 12:45

Men’s Premier: Home vs Capilano KO 2:30

24 Nov 19

Youth: South Vancouver Island Jamboree #5, Westshore 10-11:30am

Juniors: Boys-Island Quarter Finals, Location and KO TBD

Girls-Island Finals, location and KO TBD



1/2 side of organically raised Cowichan Beef!!  Only 250 tickets/$20 each…Going Quick!!!  See Barbara Mervin on Thursdays at the club or PM her to get your tickets!!


After a few years off, Westshore/Velox RFC are holding our third annual $10000 raffle.  Only 200 tickets will be sold and the winner will take home $10000!
$100 may seem like a lot of money but your odds of winning a $10000 are very high compared to other raffles/lotteries and be sure to partner up or get a group together to get in on as many tickets as possible. These tickets always sell out very fast!!!  Draw 30th Nov 19.  See Aaron Frisby on Thursdays at the club or PM him to get your tickets!!


YOUTH/JUNIOR XMAS PARTY-14 Dec-1400 Lynburne Place-Bear Mountain

5TH ANNUAL 12 PUBS OF XMAS PARTY-SAT 30th NOV-Starts at Sharks Club at 7pm

Once again our annual 12 pubs of Christmas is back again. Clear your schedules and prepare those ugly sweaters for an unforgettable night for all.   similar route will be posted in the near future, so start organizing your teams of 4. Please don’t feel pressured to be at all the pubs and feel free to join in whenever and wherever throughout the evening. The main thing is to stick together as a group and try to stay on time.  Let’s kick-off the Christmas break right with some festive frosty soldiers and have a great night!



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Sizzling Tandoori located at Uptown Mall and Westshore Mall.

From their website “Head Chef Narpinder Bawa (left) and her husband Gurinder Bawa (right) decided to open their first Downtown Victoria Indian Restaurant in 2010. Since then, they have opened two additional locations in the bustling Uptown Shopping Centre and the up-and-coming Westshore Town Centre.  Narpinder’s versatile menu features authentic family recipes and all natural ingredients. This family-run restaurant is committed to preserving the culture and traditions of the East while balancing the way of life of the West. Sizzling Tandoor has proudly been voted Best Indian Restaurant in the City for eight years running from 2012-2019. ”

Drop them a line if you are looking for Victoria #1 Indian cuisine…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!


Phone: 778-265-9308



Men’s Premier: Lost 34-7 vs Oakbay CW.

Next Week: 16 Nov 19

Women: Away vs Comox KO 11:30am

Men’s Premier Reserve: Home vs Port Alberni Black Sheep.

Men’s Premier: Home vs Pacific Pride (Canada U23 developmental Team).

17 Nov 19

Youth: South Vancouver Island Jamboree #4, Oakbay 10-11:30am

Juniors: Away to Nanaimo

Photo credit above: Kelly Antrobus from last weeks game.



1/2 side of organically raised Cowichan Beef!!  Only 250 tickets/$20 each…Going Quick!!!  See Barbara Mervin on Thursdays at the club or PM her to get your tickets!!


After a few years off, Westshore/Velox RFC are holding our third annual $10000 raffle.  Only 200 tickets will be sold and the winner will take home $10000!
$100 may seem like a lot of money but your odds of winning a $10000 are very high compared to other raffles/lotteries and be sure to partner up or get a group together to get in on as many tickets as possible. These tickets always sell out very fast!!!  Draw 30th Nov 19.  See Aaron Frisby on Thursdays at the club or PM him to get your tickets!!



Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor Downs Construction located at 870 Devonshire Rd.

From their website “Downs Construction Ltd. is a family business that has been serving the restoration and renovation needs of Greater Victoria and neighbouring communities for over 40 years. The company pioneered a new drying system bringing air movers and dehumidifiers into the marketplace in Victoria for the first time in 1981. This technology changed the way water damage claims are managed. Since that time, Downs Construction has always maintained a leading edge in providing the latest technology and equipment for our clients.”

Drop them a line if you are looking for a top company for your housing renovations…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!


Phone: 250-384-1390


WEEKEND SUMMARY-02 Nov 19-Sponsored by NZ Builders

Women: Won 57-39 over Comox

Men’s Premier Reserve: Lost 65-7 vs UBCOB Ravens.

Men’s Premier: Lost 60-15 vs UBCOB Ravens.

Next Week: 09 Nov 19

Men’s Premier: Away vs CW\KO 2:30pm



1/2 side of organically raised Cowichan Beef!!

Only 250 tickets/$20 each…Going Quick!!!

Draw 30th Nov 19

See Barbara Mervin on Thursdays at the club or PM her to get your tickets!!


After a few years off, Westshore/Velox RFC are holding our third annual $10000 raffle.  Only 200 tickets will be sold and the winner will take home $10000!
$100 may seem like a lot of money but your odds of winning a $10000 are very high compared to other raffles/lotteries and be sure to partner up or get a group together to get in on as many tickets as possible. These tickets always sell out very fast!!!

Draw 30th Nov 19

See Aaron Frisby on Thursdays at the club or PM him to get your tickets!!



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor NZ Builders.

From their website “As a construction company focused on high performance and sustainable construction, we believe the homes that we design and build should not only enhance the health and wellbeing of the homeowners but also the overall health and wellbeing of the community they are built in. NZ Builders implement building practices that allow our homes to withstand the test of time. These practices dramatically reduce the footprint of materials used which, in return, lowers the impact on the environment.  Lowering the impact on the environment goes hand in hand with lowering your financial commitment to your home and provides a healthier environment for you and your family.

We are able to provide a comprehensive list of sustainable services and features including:

  • Passive Solar Heating and Cooling
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Locally Sourced Materials
  • Reclaimed and Upcycled Materials
  • Use of Low VOC Materials
    • Healthy Indoor Air Quality
    • Guaranteed Low ACH (Air Changes per Hour)
    • Permaculture

Drop them a line if you are looking for a premier company for your housing projects…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!


Phone: 250-516-6294

General Inquires: 1-888-592-6444


WEEKEND SUMMARY-26 Oct 19-Sponsored by Aptoella Rugby

Women: Lost to Nanaimo, unreported score.

Men’s Premier Reserve: Won 24-17  vs Nanaimo.

Men’s Premier: Lost 28-19  vs Nanaimo.

Next Week: 02 Nov 19

Women’s: Home vs Comox KO 11:15am

Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs UBCOB Ravens RFC \KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs UBCOB Ravens RFC \KO 2:30pm

Sunday 03 Nov 19

Youth:Vancouver Island Jamboree #3-Cowichan: 11am-1pm

Junior: Away to JBAA 11:30am and 4pm


The Westshore RFC Youth Rugby will be conducting a fundraiser on Saturday 02 Nov 19 for a bottle drive to help with offsetting programs costs and purchasing new equipment.

Come on out to support…and bring all you empty recycling containers…for a great program!!

Any questions may be directed to: Kelly Hanvey, Director Youth Rugby, 250-634-8255




Westshore is hosting a Halloween party Saturday November 2 at 7pm at the clubhouse!! Come wearing your costumes as there will be prizes for the best dressed!!
10$ entry/person.  Come out for a great time!!!

Facebook link to event….



Westshore RFC would like to thank longtime Valkyries Player, NSWT Alumni (3 RWC’s) and sponsor Barbara Mervin owner of Aptoella Rugby at 900 Whittaker Rd, Malahat, BC.

From their website “APTOELLA: the meaning. Apto, is Latin and means To Fit, Adapt, Adjust. Which is what you all do on the rugby pitch to achieve success and it is what we are doing to ensure you love wearing your new rugby apparel! Ella, of course means Girl!  Vision: Through the innovation and creation of performance apparel, we inspire, celebrate, and empower female rugby players around the world.”

Check out their website or FB page or social media for the latest rugby fashions for women’s rugby…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 900 Whittaker Rd, Malahat, BC,

Phone: 250-661-0974


WEEKEND SUMMARY-19 Oct 19-Sponsored by Brian Scanlan

Men’s Premier Reserve: Won 28-21  vs Seattle.

Men’s Premier: Won 32-28  vs Seattle.

Next Week: 26 Oct 19

Women’s: Away vs Nanaimo KO 11:30am

Men’s Prem Reserve: Away vs Nanaimo RFC \KO 1pm

Men’s Premier: Away vs Nanaimo RFC \KO 2:30pm

Sunday 27 Oct 19

Youth: South Vancouver Island Jamboree #3-James Bay: 10-11:30am

Junior: U14 Girls: James Bay 11:30-2:30pm

U15/U19 Boys: Away to Oakbay 11:30am and 2:30pm KO.



Westshore RFC would like to thank longtime sponsor Rod Parker and Parker Johnston Industries LTD at 6791 Oldfield Road, Saanichton.

From their website “As one of Vancouver Island’s largest, family owned roofing contractors; Parker Johnston Industries Ltd is able to offer a wide variety of roofing solutions for both Residential and Commercial applications on Vancouver Island as well as Calgary, Alberta. Our commercial roofing teams are experts in the traditional tar and gravel roofing system, modern torch-applied two ply systems, advanced rubber, PVC, and thermoplastics applications. For residential roofing applications, our crews specialize in all types of pitched-roof finishings including asphalt shingles, metal, and cedar shake roofs. For added convenience, Parker Johnston not only provides siding and cladding services, but gutter installation and maintenance as well. With our proven track record for the design, installation and maintenance of roofs of all types, we ensure that each and every job is not only completed in a timely and professional manner but exceeds our own high standards.”

Drop then a line for all your  roofing needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 6791 Oldfield Road, Saanichton,

Phone: 250-382-9181



Was a great night of rugby at Westshore RFC, an amazing experience. With a combined team of Valkyries, CW, COW and UVIC players wearing BCRU jerseys taking on the Hong Kong National 7’s team in 4 games.  There was many Canadian National Senior Women’s team members, present representing for Team BC side.  There was 4 games played with lots of speed and agility from both sides under the lights on a warm rainy night!!!  With longtime Westshore RFC sponsor Sizzling Tandoori providing meals for hosting after the game.  Che3ck out the link below for all the players and teams combined into Team BC.



1/2 side of organically raised Cowichan Beef!!

Only 250 tickets/$20 each…Going Quick!!!

Draw 30th Nov 19

See Barbara Mervin on Thursdays at the club or PM her to get your tickets!!


WEEKEND SUMMARY-05 Oct 19-Sponsored by Terra Pacifica Landscaping

Men’s Premier Reserve: Lost  vs Cowichan.

Women’s: Won 37-29  vs Cowichan.

Next Week: 12 Oct 19

Thanksgiving Weekend-NO Games

Juniors: Kamloops 7’s Tournament


Westshore RFC rugby fun with Youth and Junior teams building the grass roots for future success. Westshore would like to thank all the many Directors, Coaches, managers and volunteers who participate to make these programs viable for our kids to grow!


WESTSHORE THANKSGIVING HORSE RACE FUNDRAISER-Club House on Thursday night 10 Oct 19 from 7:30pm-10Pm.  Come and bet on your favorite player in a race on the field.  Check out our FB event.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Vahid Bossi of  TERRA PACIFIC LANDSCAPE located at 1658 Longacre Dr in Westshore area.

Long time supporter on and off the field, with his kids in our Junior programs.  With green lawns ready for restoration or improvements, Contact Vahid for all your property beautification needs: don’t forget to let them know you are from Westshore RFC. Vahid can usually be found Thursday nights at our clubhouse, or Saturday game day on the pitch side: supporting our Men’s and Women’s teams.


Location: 1658 Longacre Dr

Phone: 250-813-0362



Men’s Premier Reserve: Lost 68-7  vs UVIC.

Men’s Premier: Lost 44-24  vs UVIC.

Next Week: 05 Oct 19

Men’s Prem Reserve: Away vs Cowichan RFC \KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Bye

Women’s: Away vs Cowichan KO 11:30am

Sunday 06 Oct 19

Youth: South Vancouver Island Jamboree #1-Oakbay: 10-11:30am

Junior: U12/U14 Girls: Westshore games

U15/U19 Boys: Away to Cowichan 11:30am and 2:30pm KO.


VALKYRIE-ELISSA ALARIE MAKES NSWT 7’S TOUR-Congratulations to Eli Alarie for making Canada’s National 7’s team for the Fall tour!!!

VALHALLIAN-ERIC HOWARD NSMT RWC 2019- Congratulations to Hooker-Eric Howard for representing Canada’s National team at the Rugby World Cup!!

NAGATO, JAPAN – SEPTEMBER 18: Eric Howard of Canada poses for a portrait during the Canada Rugby World Cup 2019 squad photo call on September 18, 2019 in Nagato, Yamaguchi, Japan. (Photo by Harry How – World Rugby/World Rugby via Getty Images)

Check out all our past and current National team members bios:



WESTSHORE THANKSGIVING HORSE RACE FUNDRAISER-Club House on Thursday night 10 Oct 19 from 7:30pm-10Pm.  Come and bet on your favorite player in a race on the field.  Check out our FB event.


Registration for new season now open.  Click on image above to go to registration page



Westshore RFC is proud of the 4 Valkyries that made Canadian Team for Super Series: Amanda Thornborough, Paige Farris, Brianna Miller and Elissa Alarie as team Captain.



Congrats to Westshore Members Quinn Ngawati and Thomas Isherwood in Brazil with the Canada Men’s U20 Team for U20 World Cup.

Congratulations to Westshore Valkyrie Rori Wood being selected for the Canadian Women’s U20 Team for the Tri Nations Cup 20-28 July.  RC article below.


9 July 19

BCRU named the team selection invites for the junior boys/girsl teams for the provincial rep teams: many Westshore players making this invited list, such as : Phoenix Skailes for U15 Girls, Taine Clague for U16 Boys, Renee Cook for U17 Girls and Kiri Ngawati and Zoe Williams for U18 girls to name a few.  Link below.


9 July 19


Congrats to Westshore Valkyrie Renee Gonzales at representing Team Canada at the FISU Summer Universiade games in Italy right now!!!  Here is the link to the Rugby Canada Article:


Westshore RFC had a great training session on the weekend with some members of the MLR reigning Champs Seattle SeawWolves. Who put back into the rugby community grassroots style, setting up the next stars of rugby. Thank you to all volunteers involved, MLR players that stepped up and led the sessions, and the junior players that attended!!


Congratulations to long time Westshore/Velox Player Jason Gagnier for making the BC Bears Provincial team for the first time!!! Pictured below with Westshore RFC alumni Aidan Holland from Wolf Pack.


7 July 19

Victoria rugby players!

Join us August 24th at the Westshore Rugby Club. ‬

‪All ages & skill levels welcome ‬


‪Dream. Believe Succeed. ‬

‪Powered by Ædelhard ‬

#longliverugby #growthegame


01 July 19


The club is trying to raise some funds for items around the club and help offset operating costs…while doing something to keep you cool during summer.

20th July 19 from 10:30am-1:30pm

Come on out and have fun!!

$10 of every tube rented will go to the club!!!

20 Jun 19
Our Club secretary from the BOD, Aaron Hersant is leading the charge with another duty for the club as the Quartermaster…setting up and ordering clothing for everyone.
Check out the link for items (same as attached pics below)…  Contact him directly for any questions or submitting orders.
Happy shopping!! Cut off date July 24th




For all interested in summer touch rugby, EVERYONE IS WELCOME, Westshore will be set up for summer fun starting on Thursday 18th July at the club, running every Thursday night at 5pm for the rest of summer.  Major sponsor Sizzling Tandoor will be providing food for purchase with drinks from the club afterwards.



Westshore RFC alumni members Nakai Penny (pictured below) and Brock Staller win back to back MLR championships with the Seattle Seawolves.  Here is a link for the write up from MLR rugby:



A re-post from the Canaberra Times on Westshore RFC Prop Ryan Kotlewski.

How Canberra Royals can help launch Canadian World Cup dream

Playing against the All Blacks? Piece of cake. But the dreaded slope of Campese Field and the fierce Queanbeyan fans? That’s the sort of World Cup test that will prepare Ryan Kotlewski for his Test hopes this year. Canadian prop Kotlewski is back in Canberra for the second time, linking with Royals to help them win a premiership in their 70th season and at the same time trying to force his way into World Cup contention.

If successful he will join Canada in pool B at the World Cup in Japan later this year, lining up against the two-time defending champions New Zealand, South Africa, Italy and Namibia.
But it all starts with a roadtrip to Campese Field to play against the Queanbeyan Whites in the John I Dent Cup season opener after a chance phone call prompted a Canberra comeback.

“I just want to get as much rugby exposure as possible,” Kotlewski said. “This sort of fell into my lap. [Royals] contacted me three or four weeks ago and said they needed a prop and asked if I knew of anyone. I knew of at least one – me.

“I was in camp with the Canadian team. They sent me a message on the Tuesday, by Thursday I’d spoken to my Canada coach and my wife, they said it was a good opportunity and I committed. Now I’m here and ready to go.”

Kotlewski, who is also a qualified engineer, played soccer and gridiron as a junior in Canada before making the switch to rugby when he followed his brother into the sport. The 117 kilogram tighthead has played Tests against Chile, Romania, Brazil and Russia and his World Cup dream is alive after Canada secured the 20th and last spot up for grabs for the tournament in Japan. Kotlewski’s links to Canberra started when he met Royals coach Wayne Southwell at his club in Calgary. The pair have stayed in contact and are hoping to team up for Royals’ third title in five seasons.

“The club rugby in Canada is good, but it’s not up to the same standard of here,” Kotlewski said.

“There are plenty of games and coaching resources … it was a no-brainer for me coming back here. I just want to enjoy the experience here and work hard to make myself better.”

The Canberra premier division season will start this weekend, but sports ground closures around the capital will limit the round to just two games.


Well folks…that end the season for 2018/2019 from start to finish, up to representative action.  There will be a lull for social media and posts over the summer until the start of next season in Sept.  However, we will be reporting on any of the amazing players/athletes/staff that come up in the meantime.  Westshore Board of Directors would like to thanks everyone for their support during this last season!!!



Westshore RFC was proudly represented with 16 players and 4 staff members for the 3 teams of Crimson Tide Men’s U23, Snr Men’s, and Snr Women’s.  All teams solidly won out over Vancouver Island North Tsunami to represent the island against Vancouver mid May.  With results from last weekend in Vancouver: U23 team won over Vancouver Wave 26-24.  Men lost 46-18 to Vancouver. Womens win 6 straight Ruth Hellerund Brown Championships with 2 wins over Vancouver 87-12 and 85-17.

Crimson Tide Men’s U23: Westshore members (8): Kyle White, Desmond Downer, Aaron Hersant, Oli Adams, Isaac Gonevou, Jonny Buck, Gavin Kilpatrick, Jordy Makela.

Crimson Tide Men’s: Westshore members (15): Saman Repazoul, Aaron Hersant, Jason Gagnier, Ben “Mingie” Brill, Cole Mosychuck, Jordan Tait, Shane Dagg, Desmond Downer, Bryce McKinnon, Thomas Isherwood, Isaac Gonevou, Neil Hagerty. Coach Clay Panga, Nanyak Dala. Manager John Lyall.

Crimson Tide Women’s:Westshore members (6): Chelsey Minter, Val Wideski, Amanda Thornborough, Paige Farrier, Elissa Alarie. Coach Char Haley


12 May 19

WESTSHORE  RFC ANNUAL BANQUET AND AWARDS CEREMONY was held on 10 May at the clubhouse.  The guest speaker was Velox original (1st) Club President Jim Hume.  Who also handed out the old Charleton Smith award that was re-named “The Hume Family” award for the first time.


Westshore RFC AWARDS 2019

  • Life Time Members Award-(Velox/Westshore RFC Lifetime Memembers List)
    • Sarah Levson
    • Dale Grimston
  • Front Row Club
    • Neil Hagerty
    • Chelsey Minter
  • George Jones Award-(George Jones Award Winners 1975 to present)
    • M- James Knowles
    • F-Mellissa Sims
  • Hume Family award-(Hume Award Winners 2002 to present)
    • Dave “Tito” Phillips
  • Greg Clague Award-(Greg Clague Award Winners 2015 to present)
    • Bryce McKinnon
    • Valerie Wideski
  • Parker Johnston Award -(Parker Johnston Junior Development Award Winners 2015 to present)
    • Gary Beels
  • Men’s Premier Team
    • MVP – Cole Mosychuk
    • Best Back –  Quinn Ngawati
    • Best Rookie – Shane Dagg
    • Coaches Award – Benjamin “Mingie” Brill
  • Men’s Premier Reserve Team
    • Best & Fairest – Matt Jones
    • Best Forward – Jordy Makela
    • Best Rookie – Bryce McKinnon
    • Coach’s Award – Matt Kemp
  • Men’s 3rd Div Team
    • MVP- Ryan Waldriff
    • Coach’s Award-Cory Walker
    • Coach’s Award-Nicholas Charlton
    • Coach’s Award-Big Dave
  • Women’s Premier Team
    • Most Improved – Amy Camicioli
    • MVP Back – Elissa Alarie
    • MVP Forward – Liz “Kim” Steele
    • Players’ Player – Courtney Sims
  • Women’s 1st Div
    • Spirit Award – Irene Borecky



Westshore RFC Board of Directors and all Coaching staff, and of course each and every player: would like to thank the trainer staff lead by Mark Sommerfeld for ensuring all members were looked after with injuries or anything needing medical assistance including prevention.  We couldn’t have done it without you.




Women Premier: Lost 23-24 vs Capilano RFC




Men’s 3rd Div: Lost 26-21 in overtime vs Richmond RFC

Women’s 1st Div: Lost 70-24 vs Abbotsford RFC. (COWSHORE)

Women Premier: Won 67-7 vs CW RFC: moving onto the BC Finals next weekend.


Women Premier: BC Finals next weekend vs Capilano RFC.



Westshore would like to Congratulate Westshore Valhallian Kyle Baillie winning RC Canadian Shield Award (Players Player) of the year, and Westshore Valhallian Brock Webster for RC Men’s Young Player of the year.

RUGBY CANADA 2019 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES-MARK WYATT: Congratulations to Westshore RFC member and rugby legend Mark Wyatt for induction into Rugby Canada Sports Hall of Fame for 2019 at last nights RC banquet in Victoria, BC.  Follow link below for a recap on Mark’s bio and accomplishments within our sport of Rugby:

CRIMSON TIDE TEAM TRYOUTS: Calling all U14s for some rep rugby. Tide Rugby Trials next weekend May 11 at Westshore at 9:30AM (boys). Lots of great training by awesome coaches (and a kick-ass manager) and a tour to UBC for Provincial Rugby Championships in July. If you know any athletic kids with good hands and like to put in a hard tackle and that have birthdays in 2004 or 2005 then send them my way! Poster for girls rugby below as well as Full Tryout Schedule for Girls and Boys and a link to registration.


ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC would like to announce the annual banquet and awards ceremony slated for Fri 10 May 19 at the clubhouse at Westshore Rec Center.  Timing are tentatively scheduled for social cocktails from 6-7pm, event dinner starting at 7pm, With guest speakers speech around 8pm, with awards commencing for 8:30-9:30pm. Tickets will be available shortly through Eventbrite website.  More details to follow.



Upon closing out the AGM this past Thursday night, a new Board of Directors (BOD) was selected and voted on to lead the club into the next season of 2019/2020.  Congratulations to all the new and standing members of the BOD.

President: Mike Holmes

Vice-President: Cam Neish

Executive Director: Clay Panga

Secretary: Aaron Hersant

Treasurer: Christel Hume

Director of Junior Boys and Men’s Rugby: David “Tito” Phillips

Director of Junior Girls and Women’s Rugby: Barbara Mervin

Director of Youth Rugby (U12’s and below): Kelly Hanvey

Director of Membership and Registration: Jay Jimmo

Director of Fields and Equipment: James Knowles

Social Coordinators: Jason Gagnier/Melissa Sims




Men’s 3rd Div: Won 42-30 vs Oakbay CW RFC, winning the VIRU Island Championships.

Men’s Prem Reserve: Won 32-17 vs Caps RFC, with Bryce “The Beast” McKinnon scoring 2 trys.

Men’s Premier: Won 38-19 vs Caps RFC, with Bryce “The Beast” McKinnon scoring another 2 trys (4 for the day in total).

Women’s 1st Div: Lost 52-34 vs Abbotsford RFC. (COWSHORE)

Women Premier: Won 31-17 vs Caps RFC

Next Week: 20 Apr 19


BC SEMI FINALS: 27th Apr 19

3 Westshore Teams earned spots:

  • Women Premier- Play Home, vs team TDB
  • Women 1st Div-COWSHORE- vs Team and venue TDB
  • Men 3rd Div- vs Team and venue TDB


AGM: The Westshore RFC annual general meeting is being held THIS Thursday 18 Apr 19 in the clubhouse starting at 8:30pm.  All members invited to attend and vote, spectators encouraged.  The meeting will consist of Presidents report, followed by the various directors reports, voting for the new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 year. The positions for Director of Women’s/Girls Youth Rugby, Director of Fields and Equipment, and Secretary are vacant or open to be filled without an incumbent running for it,  all are voting positions. Last act will be the voting of the George Jones Award by its members.



Westshore would like to Congratulate to Westshore Valhallian Kyle Baillie nominated for RC Men’s 15 Player of the year, and Valkyries Eli Alarie​ for RC Women’s 15’s Player of the year. Well done to both on being nominated for their respective teams!!!


Westshore RFC Prop Ryan Kotlewski playing in Australia for Canberra Royals ahead of RWC 2019. Great Article!!


ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC would like to announce the annual banquet slated for Fri 10 May 19 at the clubhouse at Westshore Rec Center.  Timing are tentatively scheduled for social cocktails from 6-7pm, event dinner starting at 7pm, With guest speakers speech around 8pm, with awards commencing for 8:30-9:30pm. Tickets will be available shortly through Eventbrite website.  More details to follow.

VALKYRIES FUNDRAISER: The women’s team will be holding a players auction on Thursday 25th Apr at our clubhouse at 8:30pm.  Bring your cash and friends to bid on the “LAST TRY” scored the following Saturdays game in the BC Semi Finals match.  50% of funds raised will go to the winner (last year was a Grand), with the remaining funds going towards the Valkyries to offset items such as operation, transportation and equipment cost.  They will also be conducting a Wine Raffle at $10 a ticket.




Results this Week: Sponsored by VIRU and BCRU

Men’s Prem Reserve: Won 59-26 vs Nanaimo RFC, with Ollie Adams earning a 3 try hat trick.

Men’s Premier: Lost 31-29 vs Nanaimo RFC

Women Premier: Win 83-5 vs UBC RFC

Women’s 1st Div: Won 55-10 at Vancouver vs Brit Lions RFC. (COWSHORE)

Jordy Makela, picture of determination…”just a scrape…I am good to go back in Coach” setting the example for Prem Reserve team for a big win!!

Next Week: 13 Apr 19

Men’s 3rd Div: Win VIRU Title

Men’s Prem Reserve: Away vs Capilano RFC \KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Away vs Capilano RFC \KO 2:30pm

Women Premier: Home vs Capilano RFC\KO TBD

Women’s 1st Div: Home vs Abbotsford RFC. (COWSHORE)\KO TBD

Sunday 14 Apr 19

Youth: Island Jamboree at Shawnigan Lake from 11-1 pm

Junior U14 Girls: Island Jamboree at Shawnigan Lake from 12:30-5 pm


AGM: The Westshore RFC annual general meeting is being held on Thursday 18 Apr 19 in the clubhouse starting at 8:30pm.  All members invited to attend and vote, spectators encouraged.  The meeting will consist of Presidents report, followed by the various directors reports, voting for the new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 year. The positions for Director of Women’s/Girls Youth Rugby, Director of Fields and Equipment, and Secretary are vacant or open to be filled without an incumbent running for it,  all are voting positions. Last act will be the voting of the George Jones Award by its members.

6 VALKYRIES ON UVIC WOMENS TEAM WIN NATIONAL RUGBY 7’S TITLE: Westshore RFC would like to congratulate the UVIC Women’s Rugby 7’s Team for an outstanding effort winning the 2019 Canadian University Championships in Mar from Kingston, Ont.  6 Valkyries are part of this impressive squad: Sisters Mckenzie and Alexie Pusch, Maddy Aberg, Linnea Dalvi and Rene Gonzalaz. With Valkyrie alumni Emily Belchos to round out the team.

VALKYRIE RORI WOOD WINS UBC ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Westshore would like to congratulate Rori Wood, who came through our junior program before joining our senior women’s team winning back to back BC provincial championships.  She was selected as the UBC Athletics Female Rookie of the year at the end of Mar.


ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC would like to announce the annual banquet slated for Fri 10 May 19 at the clubhouse at Westshore Rec Center.  Timing are tentatively scheduled for social cocktails from 6-7pm, event dinner starting at 7pm, With guest speakers speech around 8pm, with awards commencing for 8:30-9:30pm. Tickets will be available shortly through Eventbrite website.  More details to follow.

VALKYRIES FUNDRAISER: The women’s team will be holding a players auction on Thursday 25th Apr at our clubhouse at 8:30pm.  Bring your cash and friends to bid on the “LAST TRY” scored the following Saturdays game in the BC Semi Finals match.  50% of funds raised will go to the winner (last year was a Grand), with the remaining funds going towards the Valkyries to offset items such as operation, transportation and equipment cost.  They will also be conducting a Wine Raffle at $10 a ticket.



Results this Week: Sponsored by Terra Pacifica Landscaping and Quality Foods Langford

Men’s 3rd Div: Won 40-10 (exact score unconfirmed) vs Oakbay CW RFC

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost 51-15 vs Burnaby RFC

Men’s Premier: Lost 36-27 vs Burnaby RFC

Women’s 1st Div: Won 65-17 vs SFU RFC. (COWSHORE)

Women Premier: Won 38-12 vs Oakbay CW RFC


Next Week: 6 Apr 19

Men’s 3rd Div: Tentatively scheduled as Home vs Cowichan RFC, KO TBD

Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs Nanaimo RFC \KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs Nanaimo RFC \KO 2:30pm

Women Premier: Home vs UBC RFC\KO TBD

Women’s 1st Div: Away at Vancouver vs Brit Lions RFC. (COWSHORE)\KO 11:15am

Sunday 7 Apr 19

Youth: Practice at Westshore from 10-11:30

Junior U14 Girls: Practice at Westshore from 11:30-1pm


AGM: The Westshore RFC annual general meeting is being held on Thursday 18 Apr 19 in the clubhouse starting at 8:30pm.  All members invited to attend and vote, spectators encouraged.  The meeting will consist of Presidents report, followed by the various directors reports, voting for the new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 year. The positions for Director of Women’s/Girls Youth Rugby, Director of Fields and Equipment, and Secretary are vacant or open to be filled without an incumbent running for it,  all are voting positions. Last act will be the voting of the George Jones Award by its members.

VALKYRIE AMANDA THORNBOROUGH SELCTED FOR BARBARIANS TEAM… AGAIN: Amanda Thornborough was selected for her 2nd cap for the Women’s Barbarian Rugby Team. The first time was for the inaugural women’s team for the first time in the club’s history, with a 19-0 victory against Munster on 10 November 2017. She and fellow Canada National Teammates Andrea Burk from Capilano RFC (Vancouver), and Julia Folk from Oakbay CW RFC (Victoria) will face the USA Eagles in Denver, Colorado on 26 Apr, and England at Twickenham on 2nd June.   Congratulation for leading the way on the world stage…again as a role model for all to aspire to follow!!


ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC would like to announce the annual banquet slated for Fri 10 May 19 at the clubhouse at Westshore Rec Center.  Timing are tentatively scheduled for social cocktails from 6-7pm, event dinner starting at 7pm, With guest speakers speech around 8pm, with awards commencing for 8:30-9:30pm. Tickets will be available shortly through Eventbrite website.  More details to follow.

VALKYRIES FUNDRAISER: The women’s team will be holding a players auction on Thursday 25th Apr at our clubhouse at 8:30pm.  Bring your cash and friends to bid on the “LAST TRY” scored the following Saturdays game in the BC Semi Finals match.  50% of funds raised will go to the winner (last year was a Grand), with the remaining funds going towards the Valkyries to offset items such as operation, transportation and equipment cost.  They will also be conducting a Wine Raffle at $10 a ticket.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Vahid Bossi of  TERRA PACIFIC LANDSCAPE located at 1658 Longacre Dr in Westshore area.

Long time supporter on and off the field, with his kids in our Junior programs.  With Spring time and green lawns ready for restoration or improvements, Contact Vahid for all your property beautification needs: don’t forget to let them know you are from Westshore RFC. Vahid can usually be found Thursday nights at our clubhouse, or Saturday game day on the pitch side: supporting our Men’s and Women’s teams.


Location: 1658 Longacre Dr

Phone: 250-813-0362


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Quality Foods -Langford, Westshore location at 113-977 Langford Pkwy: assisting and supporting our Youth and Junior programs with food  and items donations for many of the kids events.

From their website “Quality Foods has been operating on Vancouver Island BC since 1982, having opened our first store in Qualicum Beach. We’re an award-winning leader in the Canadian grocery industry with over 1000 people working with us in 13 full service stores. As of Mar 2017, Quality Foods is now wholly owned by BC’s own Jim Pattison Group. “We’re still the same Quality Foods that you hve known and loved for 35 years,” states Noel Hayward, QF president. “We are still BC owned and operated, and that’s important to us.” Mr. Hayward helped start Quality Foods along side Ken and John, and will now lead the company into the future.”

Drop by for all your food and household needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!


location: 113-977 Langford Pkwy

Phone: 778-433-3291



Results this Week: Sponsored by Parker Johnston Roofing and Pemberton Holmes Realty

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost 19-0 vs UVIC Norsemen RFC

Men’s Premier: Lost 67-5 vs UVIC Vikes RFC

Men’s 3rd Div: Won 31-26 vs UVIC Saxons RFC

Women Premier: Won 37-27 vs Capilano RFC

Women’s 1st Div: Lost 27-33 vs Nanaimo RFC. (COWSHORE)


Next Week: 30 Mar 19

Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs Burnaby Lake RFC \KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs Burnby Lake RFC \KO 2:30pm

Men’s 3rd Div: Away vs Oakbay CW RFC

Women Premier: Home vs Oakbay CW RFC\KO 11:30am

Women’s 1st Div: Home at Westshore vs Simon Fraser RFC. (COWSHORE)\KO TBD


Sunday 31 Mar 19

Youth: South Island Jamboree #3 in Oakbay from 11:30 – 1pm

Junior U14 Girls: South Island Jamboree in Oakbay from 11:30-5pm


AGM: The Westshore RFC annual general meeting is being held on Thursday 18 Apr 19 in the clubhouse starting at 8:30pm.  All members invited to attend and vote, spectators encouraged.  The meeting will consist of Presidents report, followed by the various directors reports, voting for the new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 year. The positions for Director of Women’s/Girls Youth Rugby, Director of Fields and Equipment, and Secretary are vacant or open to be filled without an incumbent running for it,  all are voting positions. Last act will be the voting of the George Jones Award by its members.


ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC would like to announce the annual banquet slated for Saturday 27th APR 19 at the clubhouse at Westshore Rec Center.  Timing are tentatively scheduled for social cocktails from 6-7pm, event dinner starting at 7pm, With guest speakers speech around 8pm, with awards commencing for 8:30-9:30pm. Tickets will be available shortly through Eventbrite website.  More details to follow.



Westshore RFC would like to thank longtime sponsor Rod Parker and Parker Johnston Industries LTD at 6791 Oldfield Road, Saanichton.

From their website “As one of Vancouver Island’s largest, family owned roofing contractors; Parker Johnston Industries Ltd is able to offer a wide variety of roofing solutions for both Residential and Commercial applications on Vancouver Island as well as Calgary, Alberta. Our commercial roofing teams are experts in the traditional tar and gravel roofing system, modern torch-applied two ply systems, advanced rubber, PVC, and thermoplastics applications. For residential roofing applications, our crews specialize in all types of pitched-roof finishings including asphalt shingles, metal, and cedar shake roofs. For added convenience, Parker Johnston not only provides siding and cladding services, but gutter installation and maintenance as well. With our proven track record for the design, installation and maintenance of roofs of all types, we ensure that each and every job is not only completed in a timely and professional manner but exceeds our own high standards.”

Drop then a line for all your  roofing needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 6791 Oldfield Road, Saanichton,

Phone: 250-382-9181


Westshore RFC would like to thank longtime sponsor Mike Holmes and Pemberton Holmes Realty & Property Management with multiple office locations over Vancouver island.  Westshore location at 103-814 Goldstream Avenue.

From their website “The Western Communities also called “The West Shore” is the suburban municipalities of Colwood, Langford, Metchosin and The Highlands.  Greater Langford and unincorporated districts west of Esquimalt Harbour and Portage Inlet, and south of the Malahat in the Capital Regional District (CRD), Greater Victoria of British Columbia.  The Town of View Royal, which straddles Esquimalt Harbour, may also be included.  It is an area of growing residential subdivisions, although farmland and substantial tracts of wilderness still predominate. West Shore Parks & Recreation is governed by the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society’s Board of Directors made up of representatives from the City of Colwood, the District of Langford, the District of Metchosin, the District of Highlands, the Juan de Fuca Electoral area and the Town of View Royal.  Pemberton Holmes has been serving the Vancouver Island area since 1887 and is still family owned and operated 6 generations later.  Our real estate agents can offer you sound real estate advice and professional service.  We have over 300 REALTORS® specializing in both residential and commercial real estate, with offices from Victoria to the Comox Valley, plus Saltspring Island.  Whether you are looking to buy or sell real estate anywhere in the Westshore area, our agents can help ease the process.  Pemberton Holmes also offers property management services and rental properties. Whether you are looking to buy, sell, or rent property we can help you. To learn more about our services contact a local Pemberton Holmes professional today.”

Drop then a line for all your realty and property needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 103-814 Goldstream Avenue.

Phone: (250)-478-0779



Results this Week: Sponsored by Canadian Rugby Fund and Capital Fire & Safety.

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost 40-26 vs JBAA RFC

Men’s Premier: Lost 47-19 vs JBAA RFC

Men’s 3rd Div: Won 52-31 vs Comox RFC

Women Premier: Won 30-17 vs Seattle RFC

Women’s 1st Div: Won 72-22 vs United RFC. (COWSHORE)

Next Week: 23 Mar 19

Women’s 1st Div: Away vs Nanaimo RFC in Cowichan.  KO 11:15am

Women’s Premier: Bye

Mens 3rd Div: Away vs UVIC, KO 11:15am

Men’s Prem Reserve: Away vs UVIC, KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Away vs UVIC, KO 2:30pm

24 Mar 19

Youth: South Island Jamboree #2 at JBAA from 10:00-11:30 am

Juniors: Girls U14 Jamboree at JBAA: from 11:30am to 5pm.


RETRO JERSEYS: Westshore RFC commissioned Aptoella Rugby to create the original black jerseys worn by Velox RFC from 1969-1988 with the original crests.  All jerseys 1-25 have a sponsors initials on the right sleeve various alumni through the years.  Celebrating our 50th AnniversaryGM: The Westshore RFC annual general meeting is being held on Thursday 18 Apr 19 in the clubhouse starting at 8:30pm.  All members invited to attend and vote, spectators encouraged.  The meeting will consist of Presidents report, followed by the various directors reports, voting for the new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 year. The positions for Director of Women’s/Girls Youth Rugby, Director of Fields and Equipment, and Secretary are vacant or open to be filled without an incumbent running for it,  all are voting positions. Last act will be the voting of the George Jones Award by its members (award definitions below).

CLUB AWARDS: The following are the club awards handed out to the volunteers that make Westshore RFC an amazing organization.  They will be handed out at the Banquet in end of Apr (date being solidified):

  • GEORGE JONES AWARD; A coveted awarded to active players only who displayed leadership and volunteer work on and off the field to better the club and community above their peers.  George Jones himself switched the award from a single recipient to a male and female representative starting 2012. Voted on by clubs voting members at AGM.
  • HUME FAMILY AWARD: (Formally Charleton Smith) Another coveted award for best volunteer work supporting the club and rugby community, to a non-player (possibly). Awarded by BOD.
  • GREG CLAGUE AWARD: Awarded to both a male/female representative for displaying tenacity and determination on and off the field. Setting an example for working and succeeding through adversity or injury, and never giving up, while promoting either Westshore Velox RFC and/or rugby, always supporting their team. Awarded by BOD.
  • PARKER JOHNSTON JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT AWARD:  Awarded to the person or persons with the most impact on the Westshore Velox RFC Junior/Youth programs. Awarded by BOD.


WESTSHORE RFC ANNUAL WHISKEY TASTING 2019:  An absolutely amazing social night.  A huge fundraiser for the club, and a great time had by all attending.  A big thank you to James Buchanan, owner-operator of Buchanan’s Whiskey Chophouse in Calgary, played with Velox in late 2000’s, at the Bear Mountain.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Mark Wyatt and Capital City Fire & Safety located at 16-2075 Henry Ave, Sidney

From their website “Serving the Greater Victoria Area and Saanich Peninsula since 1997, Capital City Fire and Safety offers expert routine residential fire alarm and protection systems inspections, and upgrades. Capital City Fire and Safety offers more than 60 years of combined experience in the industry. Our professional technicians test your fire alarm, emergency lighting, and sprinkler/fire suppression systems to ensure that if they’re ever needed, they’ll do the job. We also inspect your portable fire extinguishers, repairing and replacing as required.  We operate a Transport Canada-approved hydrostatic test facility. We are also up to date on all codes and can make sure your systems are in compliance with local authorities and regulations.  At Capital City Fire and Safety, quality of services sets us apart. Our friendly staff will explain exactly how your system operates and will assist in determining your needs. We guarantee all  of our products and services.”

Drop by for all your  fire and safety equipment needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 16-2075 Henry Ave, Sidney

Phone: 250-727-8159


Westshore RFC would like to thank Canadian Rugby Foundation located at 709 Yates St

From their website ” A group of philanthropic rugby supporters had a passionate dream and saw the need to establish a Foundation for the game of rugby in Canada. Among these supporters, who showed great vision, were Mike Holmes, George Jones, Mark Wyatt and Gren Thomas, whose contributions, in the early days, were vital to the development of the Foundation. The crucial step in the Foundation’s history came through Gren Thomas, a long time supporter of Canadian rugby, who recognized the need for a long term vision and agreed to provide a founding pledge of $1,000,000.00. Also of note were the Foundation’s first contributing members, Bruce McFarlane and Bob Hager.

The first President of the Foundation was Mike Holmes. The Foundation made a significant leap of faith when with limited funds former National Team player Aaron Abrams was hired as executive director and under Aaron the Foundation put in place the procedures and policies that enabled significant growth over the next few years. After Aaron chose to move onto to a different field and under President Pat Aldous, then recently retired, the Foundation continued to prosper. Matthuw Ronald Jones was hired as executive director and helped establish some of the more significant scholarships and funds within the Foundation. In 2010 the decision was made to return to a volunteer run organization with the goal of keeping administration costs to a minimum. At which time Mike Holmes, assumed Chairmanship in Pat Aldous’ place.

In the level of participation, rugby is not even ranked in the top 20 in Canada, and our country is slowly falling behind those other nations that have more players participating and greater funds available. Even the new International Rugby Board grants fail to bring us in line with any of the top rugby-playing nations. When Mr. Grenville Thomas committed to being the lead backer of the Foundation, he provided the initial gift to the Foundation and established a lasting legacy being built upon by past, current and future donors. It will be used to extend programs and specialized services in support of the sport of rugby in Canada through financial support to qualified recipients. It will also be used to extend community awareness of the sport of rugby through financial support. The Board of Rugby Canada endorsed the fledging Foundation in 2001 after presentation of a business plan by board members Roger Smith and Mike Holmes. Dr. Pat Parfrey, the President of Rugby Canada, become one of the early and continuous supporters of the Foundation.

The Foundation is an effective mechanism to solicit provincial and local capital donations that will generate income to support the growth of rugby in Canada outside the normal operating budget and requirements of Rugby Canada and other rugby organizations. The Foundation allows visionary members of the rugby community who do not necessarily want to be involved in day-to-day decision-making to participate in the broader vision of a charitable organization set up specifically for rugby in Canada. This campaign is a chance for all rugby supporters to make a difference to help answer the enormous financial need in this sport.”

We encourage all to donate and contribute to this worthy cause and venture…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 709 Yates St

Phone: 250-658-2836



Results this Week: Sponsored by Bard n Banker Pub and Definitive Drywall.

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost 47-34 vs Oakbay CW RFC

Men’s Premier: Lost 48-12 vs Oakbay CW RFC

Mens 3rd Div: Game cancelled


Next Week: 16 Mar 19

Women’s 1st Div: Away vs United RFC in Vancouver KO 11:30am

Women’s Premier: Away vs Seattle RFC KO 1 pm

Mens 3rd Div: Away vs Comox, KO 1 pm

Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs JBAA, KO 12:45pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs JBAA, KO 2:30pm

17 Mar 19

Youth: Island Jamboree #2 at Westshore from 10:00-11:30 am


AGM: The Westshore RFC annual general meeting is being held on Thursday 18 Apr 19 in the clubhouse starting at 8:30pm.  All members invited to attend and vote, spectators encouraged.  The meeting will consist of Presidents report, followed by the various directors reports, voting for the new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 year. The positions for Director of Women’s/Girls Youth Rugby, Director of Fields and Equipment, and Secretary are vacant or open to be filled without an incumbent running for it,  all are voting positions. Last act will be the voting of the George Jones Award by its members (award definitions below).

CLUB AWARDS: The following are the club awards handed out to the volunteers that make Westshore RFC an amazing organization.  They will be handed out at the Banquet in end of Apr (date being solidified):

  • GEORGE JONES AWARD; A coveted awarded to active players only who displayed leadership and volunteer work on and off the field to better the club and community above their peers.  George Jones himself switched the award from a single recipient to a male and female representative starting 2012. Voted on by clubs voting members at AGM.
  • HUME FAMILY AWARD: (Formally Charleton Smith) Another coveted award for best volunteer work supporting the club and rugby community, to a non-player (possibly). Awarded by BOD.
  • GREG CLAGUE AWARD: Awarded to both a male/female representative for displaying tenacity and determination on and off the field. Setting an example for working and succeeding through adversity or injury, and never giving up, while promoting either Westshore Velox RFC and/or rugby, always supporting their team. Awarded by BOD.
  • PARKER JOHNSTON JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT AWARD:  Awarded to the person or persons with the most impact on the Westshore Velox RFC Junior/Youth programs. Awarded by BOD.

WESTSHORE RFC ETHIC AND VALUES: Mission Westshore R.F.C. is committed to building excellence on and off the field. Motto Velox Omnia Vincit – Speed Conquers All 

Values Westshore Rugby Football Club is guided by the following:

Accountability – Community – Discipline – Enjoyment – Respect – Sportsmanship – Teamwork  

Values Definitions: 

  • Accountability – Accountability is a cornerstone to successful rugby. We believe the obligations as individual players, teammates and the Club to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner.
  • Community – We believe in the sense of community in rugby and the Westshore.  Members have a sense of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together. The Westshore is our home; we are welcoming to all and supportive of involvement in the greater Westshore & Rugby communities.
  • Discipline – Strong discipline underpins our sport.  We ensure that our sport is one of controlled physical endeavor and that we are honest and fair. We obey the laws of the game which ensure an inclusive and exciting global game. We support our disciplinary system, which protects our sport and upholds its values. We observe the sport’s laws and regulations and report serious breaches.
  • Enjoyment – Enjoyment is the reason we play and support Rugby.  We encourage players to enjoy training and playing. We use our sport to adopt a healthy lifestyle and build life skills. We safeguard our young players and help them have fun. We enjoy being part of a team and part of the Rugby family.
  • Respect – Mutual respect forms the basis of our sport. We hold in high esteem our sport, its values and traditions and earn the respect of others in the way we behave. We respect our match officials and accept our decisions. We respect opposition players and supporters. We value our coaches and those who run our clubs and treat clubhouses with consideration.
  • Sportsmanship – Sportsmanship is the foundation upon which Rugby built.  We uphold the Rugby tradition of camaraderie with teammates and opposition. We observe fair play both on and off the pitch and are generous in victory and dignified in defeat. We play to win but not at all costs and recognize both endeavor and achievement. We ensure that the wellbeing and development of individual players is central to all Rugby activity
  • Teamwork – Teamwork is essential to our sport.  We welcome all new team members and include all because working as a team enriches our lives. We play selflessly: working for the team, not for ourselves alone, both on and off the field. We take pride in our team, rely on one another and understand that each player has a part to play. We speak out if our team or sport is threatened by inappropriate words or action.



One of the clubs most anticipated fund raiser!!! Sample some fine Whiskey with a true connoisseur and great contributor to local, provincial and national rugby programs. James Buchanan, owner-operator of Buchanan’s Whiskey Chophouse in Calgary, Alberta will be returning to his old club in Victoria to facilitate this sensational fundraiser on March 16th at 7 pm at the Bear Mountain Function room.

$75 per ticket limited to 75 tickets only

Includes 4 drams of whiskey and 4 food pairings, an option of a pick up from Browns Social House Uptown at 6:00 pm and drop off to Gorge Point Pub at the commencement of the event.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Bard N Banker Pub located at 1220 Government St

From their website “We opened our doors in downtown Victoria in 2008 and have been satisfying your thirst for local craft beer, premiums imports and wide array of wine and spirits, 7 days a week ever since. We offer a full service menu that is hearty, fast, locally sourced when possible, and made from scratch. We have lots of options for the gluten free and vegetarian diner and are pleased to host large groups. It’s All About Service!!”

Drop by for all you social needs with friends…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 1220 Government St

Phone: 250-953-9993


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Definitive Drywall located at 698 Peto Court

From their FB site “A 2nd Generation family business based in Victoria BC dedicated to providing Quality Drywall Boarding and Finishing Services to Lower Vancouver Island.”

Drop them a line for all your renovation/drywall needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

FB Site:
location: 698 Peto Court

Phone: 250-516-1655



Results this Week: Sponsored by 6 Mile Pub and Griffin Restoration.

Women’s Premier : Won 75-0 vs Burnaby RFC

Men’s Prem Reserve: Won 21-18 vs Meralomas RFC

Men’s Premier: Won 55-17 vs Meralomas RFC

Mens 3rd Div: Won 27-19 vs Comox RFC


Next Week: Games are possible and irregularly scheduled…and not yet confirmed by BCRU.

Mens 3rd Div: WED 6 Mar: Play at home under the lights vs UVIC, KO 630pm

Men’s Prem Reserve: THUR 7 Mar: Play at home under the lights vs CW, KO 615pm

Men’s Premier: THUR 7 Mar: Play at home under the lights vs CW, KO 7:30pm




RUGBY CANADA 2019 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES-MARK WYATT: Mark Wyatt is being inducted into the RC Hall of Fame in April, you can buy your tickets at following link:


WESTSHORE RFC NATIONAL TEAM ALUMNI PAGE: Through the years of the clubs history as either the Velox Valhallians/Valkyries or Westshore Velox RFC teams: there has always been a dynamic training and launching point for hard working players to progress to the National teams for both Men’s and Women’s 15 and 7’s teams.    Representing and show casing their hard work and dedication to the sport, through many clubs at times and the family that make up this fantastic community.  The Westshore RFC Board of Directors is extremely proud of all players listed for their achievements and becoming the ambassadors/role models for others behind them to follow in their footsteps. Caveats for these lists are for senior teams only, so no CAN U21 and below team only players at this time.



One of the clubs most anticipated fund raiser!!! Sample some fine Whiskey with a true connoisseur and great contributor to local, provincial and national rugby programs. James Buchanan, owner-operator of Buchanan’s Whiskey Chophouse in Calgary, Alberta will be returning to his old club in Victoria to facilitate this sensational fundraiser on March 16th at 7 pm at the Bear Mountain Function room.

$75 per ticket limited to 75 tickets only

Includes 4 drams of whiskey and 4 food pairings, an option of a pick up from Browns Social House Uptown at 6:00 pm and drop off to Gorge Point Pub at the commencement of the event.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor 6 Mile Pub located at 495 Old Island Hwy.

Drop by for a social night with friends…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 495 Old Island Hwy

Phone: 250-478-3121


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Griffin Restoration located at 587 H Bay St.

From their website ” Griffin offers a service that’s second to none. We are a sustainable company that offers an array of services that cover replacement cost quotations, competitive bids, and to control the leakage that plagues the insurance industry.  100% Canadian owned and operated serving Vancouver Island and providing Haida Gwaii and Gulf Coverage.  Providing leading techniques for sustainable business practices.  We’re acknowledged as Vancouver Island’s up and coming restoration and post loss construction specialists.  Accredited staff with extensive industry knowledge and court recognized expertise.  We provide consistent quotes with our client’s financial interests at heart.  Proven track record of delivering superior cost savings for our insurance partners and clients.  Griffin provides the claims advisor/adjuster with the tools to control construction and remediation costs allowing them to negotiate a fair and quick resolution of the claim.  We scope the loss to record only damage directly resulting from the cause of the loss and replace only what is needed to return the property to its original condition.  Griffin has staff dedicated to constantly monitor material and labour costs across the Island so every estimate and scope of work is based on current local material costs, labour rates and market conditions.  We have the experience to identify opportunities and challenges that make the difference between a fair labour and material rate and inflated charges.”

Drop then a call for restoration needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 587 H Bay St

Phone: 250-590-6224


This Week: Games may be cancelled due to weather by the decision of BCRU, which will be updated here and on social media.

23 Feb 19-Sponsored by Sizzling Tandoor Restaurant.

Women’s 1st Div: Home (Westshore) vs Nanaimo, KO 10am

Women’s Premier : Home vs Burnaby RFC, KO 11:30am

Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs Burnaby RFC, KO 1 pm

Men’s Premier: Home vs Burnaby RFC, KO 2:30 pm

Mens 3rd Div: UPDATE : Away vs UVIC KO: CANCELLED

24 Feb 19

Youth: Island Jamboree #1 at James Bay at McDonald Park from 10:00-11:30 am

Junior U14 Girls: JBAA Jamboree at McDonald Park KO 12:30pm


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Sizzling Tandoor located at Westshore Town Shopping Center.

From their website “Sizzling Tandoor features a royal array of authentic North Indian cuisine. We are committed to preserving the culture and tradition of the region with the utmost standards within culinary experiences. Our versatile menu offers a selection of fresh and natural ingredients, wholesome sauces, and flavourful spices. Following the success of our first downtown location in 2012, we have been named the Best Indian Restaurant in Victoria for six years running.

Tandoor means “clay oven.” It is traditionally used for the baking of bread, meat, poultry and fish. The clay oven – for oil and fat-free cooking –  is practical and energy-efficient. Today’s taste and health conscious consumers will find Tandoor cooking truly compatible and modern. All of our food is natural and freshly-prepared daily on the premises with no additives or preservatives. Our Chef’s endeavor to create a large variety of savory clay oven barbecued dishes and exotic curries for your tasting journey.”

Drop by for lunch or supper, you wont be disappointed…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: Westshore Town Shopping Center

Phone: 778-265-9308


Westshore RFC Whiskey Tasting Night 2019!!!!
Saturday 16th Mar at Bear Mountain
Huge fundraiser for the club, Whisky night will sell out! get tickets now!


All game/Jamborees scheduled for 9/10 Feb 19 are cancelled due to weather.


WHEN: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 2019, 9:45am
BELMONT SCHOOL GYM – 3041 Langford Lake Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 0L9
WHO: U14 & U12 Girls Rugby Players
WHAT: Rugby Canada Women’s Team will be running a skills and drills session for
the young female players on the island. The U14 & U12 players will be split to
do the skills and drills OR Tour of the ACC facility where the Canadian Rugby
teams train.
10:00am U14 Girls @ ACC tour, U12 Girls @ Belmont training
11:00am U12 Girls @ ACC tour, U14 Girls @ Belmont training

Girls Rugby Day with Canada Women – Feb 10th 2019



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor STRENGHT IN 2 FITNESS located at #1-131 Presley Place off of 6 Mile Rd in View Royal, contributing to our Junior Girls U14 teams with outstanding gym facilities and fitness programs.

From their website “A place where we support and believe in your goals, a place where you will be challenged and changed for the better. We at Strength in 2 Fitness believe in you and will be with you 100% of the way. Your goals become our goals. We are dedicated in helping you reach them. Whether you are someone looking to lose weight or an athlete wanting to take your fitness to the next level, our team is ready to take on your goals with you. Thank you for choosing Strength in 2 Fitness as your fitness leaders.”

Drop them a line if you are looking for a top fitness location in the Westshore area for improving yourself…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

Special invite for their Yoga classes on Mon & Wed nights from 6:30-7:30pm!!

Phone: 250-217-0237



Brought to you by sponsors – NZ Builders and Interactive Construction

Results were:

Women’s 1st Div (COWSHORE): Won 29-25 vs Seattle

Women’s Premier : Won 38-21 vs Seattle

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost 29-19 vs Seattle

Men’s Premier: Lost 53-31 vs Seattle (with bonus point)

Mens 3rd Div: Bye

Next Week:

9 Feb 19-NZ BILDERS Sponsoring the Man of the Match.

Women’s 1st Div: Home vs Bayside, KO TBC

Women’s Premier : Away to Vancouver vs Caps

Men’s Prem Reserve: Away to Vancouver vs Caps

Men’s Premier: Away to Vancouver vs Caps

Mens 3rd Div: UPDATE : Home vs Comox KO TBC

10 Feb 19

Youth: South Island Games #1 at Westshore grass field #1 from 10:00-11:30 am

Junior U14 Girls: Langford Jamboree at Westshills Stadium KO TBC


RUGBY CANADA ARC 2019 TOURNEMENT:  Westshore RFC would like to congratulate Velox Valhallians Eric Howard, Ryan Kotlewski, Kyle Baillie and Nakai Penny on making the NSMT for the ARC tournament, with games coming up later this month here in Victoria.  Come on out and support our teammates!!

REFEREE COURSE: The next course offered is 15 Feb 19 at Royal Bay HS in Westshore from 9am-4pm.  We need more players and members to step up and volunteer for these positions to keep the referee pool at all levels healthy.  Follow the link below to sign up.


Westshore RFC is looking for volunteers interested in coaching the upcoming school rugby season from mid Feb to end of Apr for both Middle and High school levels. 2 days a week from 2:30-4:30pm.

Please contact Westshore Executive Director Clay Panga at 403-465-4959 or


Westshore RFC is looking for referees to support the upcoming school rugby season from mid Feb to end of Apr for both Middle and High school levels. This is a paid position per game for qualified persons interested.

Please contact Westshore Executive Director Clay Panga at 403-465-4959 or



Slated for 9-10 Mar 19 at a cost of $135 a player (conditions apply).  Price includes Ferry, Hotel, 2 day pass for event and skytrain passes.

Please see Kelly Hanvey if interested.


One of the clubs most anticipated fund raiser!!! Sample some fine Whiskey with a true connoisseur and great contributor to local, provincial and national rugby programs. James Buchanan, owner-operator of Buchanan’s Whiskey Chophouse in Calgary, Alberta will be returning to his old club in Victoria to facilitate this sensational fundraiser on March 16th at 7 pm at the Bear Mountain Function room.

$75 per ticket limited to 75 tickets only

Includes 4 drams of whiskey and 4 food pairings, an option of a pick up from Browns Social House Uptown at 6:00 pm and drop off to Gorge Point Pub at the commencement of the event.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor NZ Builders, sponsored the Man of the Match for our games this week.

From their website “As a construction company focused on high performance and sustainable construction, we believe the homes that we design and build should not only enhance the health and wellbeing of the homeowners but also the overall health and wellbeing of the community they are built in. NZ Builders implement building practices that allow our homes to withstand the test of time. These practices dramatically reduce the footprint of materials used which, in return, lowers the impact on the environment.  Lowering the impact on the environment goes hand in hand with lowering your financial commitment to your home and provides a healthier environment for you and your family.

We are able to provide a comprehensive list of sustainable services and features including:

  • Passive Solar Heating and Cooling
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Locally Sourced Materials
  • Reclaimed and Upcycled Materials
  • Use of Low VOC Materials
    • Healthy Indoor Air Quality
    • Guaranteed Low ACH (Air Changes per Hour)
    • Permaculture

Drop them a line if you are looking for a premier company for your housing projects…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!


Phone: 250-516-6294

General Inquires: 1-888-592-6444


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Interactive Construction located at 843 Parklands Dr.

From their website “Before we roll out the blueprints or pick up a hammer, we think it through to the end. Our in-house team of knowledgeable tradespeople, designers, drafters and long-time partners are personally invested in the quality of our projects. We bring innovative, experienced team members who are committed to working with you on all aspects of your project. ”

Drop them a line…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 843 Parklands Dr

Phone: 250-866-3833



Brought to you by sponsors – BC RUGBY NEWS and Westshore Parks and Recreation Center

Results were:

Women’s 1st Div*: Lost 10-33 vs Comox

Women’s Premier : Won 69-15 vs UBC

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost 41-20 vs Meralomas

Men’s Premier: Won 28-17 (with bonus point) vs Meralomas

Mens 3rd Div: Won 24-21 vs CW

Next Week: 26 JAN 19
Women’s 1st Div*: Away at Cowichan Field vs Bayside, KO 10am
Women’s Premier : Home vs Seattle, KO 1:30pm
Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs Seattle, KO 3pm
Men’s Premier: Home vs Seattle, KO 4:30pm
Mens 3rd Div: Bye

3rd Feb 19

Junior U14 Girls: Strength/conditioning session at Strength 2 Fitness at 131 Presley Pl from 10am-Noon

Youth: Westshore practice at Westshore grass field #1 from 10:00-11:30 am

Women 1st Div Team: Westshore RFC has joined with Cowichan RFC for cross team player development of 1st Div women, while growing and promoting Women’s rugby on the Island.


REFEREE COURSE: The next course offered is 15 Feb 19 at Royal Bay HS in Westshore from 9am-4pm.  We need more players and members to step up and volunteer for these positions to keep the referee pool at all levels healthy.  Follow the link below to sign up.


Westshore RFC is looking for volunteers interested in coaching the upcoming school rugby season from mid Feb to end of Apr for both Middle and High school levels. 2 days a week from 2:30-4:30pm.

Please contact Westshore Executive Director Clay Panga at 403-465-4959 or


Westshore RFC is looking for referees to support the upcoming school rugby season from mid Feb to end of Apr for both Middle and High school levels. This is a paid position per game for qualified persons interested.

Please contact Westshore Executive Director Clay Panga at 403-465-4959 or




Event starts at 3pm, with KO at 330pm

Location is  Gorge Point Pub


17 Feb trip to Seattle to watch these 2 MLR teams play.  Details on poster below.



Westshore RFC would like to thank BC RUGBY NEWS operating out of Parksville.

Mark Bryant has his finger on the pulse of everything rugby within BC, including what is happening at the National levels, and everything in between.

Drop Mark a line for any updates happening within the rugby community…and tell him you are from Westshore RFC!!!


Phone: 250-418-5072


Westshore RFC would like to thank WESTSHORE PARKS & RECREATION CENTER (WSPR) located at 1767 Old Island Hwy.

WSPR is the home field of the Westshore RFC, and have been a great supporter of the club and all our programs!!  It is fantastic to have a home with such a perfect fit to grow our club and family within a great community.

Drop by the community center for all your personal fitness or team sports needs…and tell him you are from Westshore RFC!!!


Phone: 250-478-8384



Westshore RFC is looking for volunteers interested in coaching the upcoming school rugby season from mid Feb to end of Apr for both Middle and High school levels. 2 days a week from 2:30-4:30pm.

Please contact Westshore Executive Director Clay Panga at 403-465-4959 or



Westshore RFC is looking for referees to support the upcoming school rugby season from mid Feb to end of Apr for both Middle and High school levels. This is a paid position per game for qualified persons interested.

Please contact Westshore Executive Director Clay Panga at 403-465-4959 or


Westshore RFC is well represented and wishes our players on both teams good luck!!

A trip is being planned to attend the game in Seattle on 17th Feb 19.

Please see John Lyall or Clay Panga for trip details.



Brought to you by sponsors – Sign Pad and Terra Pacifica Landscape

Results were:

Women’s Premier: Won vs CW 44-5

Men’s Prem Reserve: Lost vs CW in a tight one 10-7

Men’s Premier: Lost vs CW in a nail biter 28-27

Next Week:

26 JAN 19

Women’s 1st Div: Away vs Comox

Women’s Premier : Away to Vancouver vs UBC

Men’s Prem Reserve: Home vs Meralomas KO 12:45

Men’s Premier: Home vs Meralomas KO 12:45

Mens 3rd Div: UPDATE : Home vs CW KO 11:30am

27 JAN 19

Youth: Westshore practice at Westshore grass field #1 from 10:00-11:30 am


REFEREE COURSE: The next course offered is 15 Feb 19 at Royal Bay HS in Westshore from 9am-4pm.  We need more players and members to step up and volunteer for these positions to keep the referee pool at all levels healthy.  Follow the link below to sign up.


MENS VS WOMENS GAME NIGHT-THURSDAY 24 JAN 19 – Time for a boys vs girls game night for club dominance bragging rights again for the 2nd half of the season.  social event will be from 8-10pm after this Thursdays practice inside the clubhouse after meal is served. FB link below, any questions contact Melissa Sims-Social Rep.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor SIGN PAD located at 2675 Wilfret Rd.

From their website “Running your business is top priority. We understand that at theSignPad, this is why we’ve tailored our services so that you can get everything you need for marketing and branding your business in one place, leaving you with more time to run your business. We offer everything you need, from signage and printing, to clothing, stationary and promotional products. ”

Drop them a line for any of your sign making needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 2675 Wilfret Rd.

Phone: 250-590-7785


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor TERRA PACIFIC LANDSCAPE located at 1658 Longacre Dr in Westshore area.

long time supporter on and off the field, with kids in our Junior programs – owner Vahid Bossi, for all your property beautification needs: don’t forget to let them know you are from Westshore RFC. Vahid can usually be found Thursday nights at our clubhouse, or Saturday game day on the pitch side: supporting our Men’s and Women’s teams.


Location: 1658 Longacre Dr

Phone: 250-813-0362



Brought to you by sponsors – Chahoo Threads and Sizzling Tandoor Restaurant

Results were:

Mens 3rd Div: Won vs CW: Score unknown

Mens Premier: Won at home vs JBAA, 42-15

Next Week:

Christmas break for all until the new year with 1st games scheduled for the Men on 19th Jan 19.


REFEREE COURSE: The next course offered is 15 Feb 19 at Royal Bay HS in Westshore from 9am-4pm.  We need more players and members to step up and volunteer for these positions to keep the referee pool at all levels healthy.  Follow the link below to sign up.


A big thank you goes out to Spencer Adams and Jason Gagnier for organizing the years last social event with the WESTSHORE 12 BARS OF XMAS/UGLY SWEATER PUB CRAWL: everybody has a great time riding the awesome win over JBAA to close the year out.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Chahoo Threads located at 2026 McTavish rd. North Saanich, BC.

From their website “We are all on a journey. Some of us know exactly where we are heading, some of us are still trying to map it out.  No matter how far you’ve come, remember those who have gone before. The sacrifices they made, the losses they have endured, the battles they’ve won. They are the reason you have breath. Honor who you are, how far you’ve come…. Honor Your Roots!  Chahoo Threads is an apparel company committed to providing high quality clothing while connecting SOUTH PACIFIC artists by telling their story and celebrating their creativity through fashion.”

Drop them a line for some clothing which makes awesome X-mas presents…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 2026 McTavish rd. North Saanich, BC

Phone: 250-634-3391


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Sizzling Tandoor located at Westshore Town Shopping Center.

From their website “Sizzling Tandoor features a royal array of authentic North Indian cuisine. We are committed to preserving the culture and tradition of the region with the utmost standards within culinary experiences. Our versatile menu offers a selection of fresh and natural ingredients, wholesome sauces, and flavourful spices. Following the success of our first downtown location in 2012, we have been named the Best Indian Restaurant in Victoria for six years running.

Tandoor means “clay oven.” It is traditionally used for the baking of bread, meat, poultry and fish. The clay oven – for oil and fat-free cooking –  is practical and energy-efficient. Today’s taste and health conscious consumers will find Tandoor cooking truly compatible and modern. All of our food is natural and freshly-prepared daily on the premises with no additives or preservatives. Our Chef’s endeavor to create a large variety of savory clay oven barbecued dishes and exotic curries for your tasting journey.”

Drop by for lunch or supper, you wont be disappointed…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: Westshore Town Shopping Center

Phone: 778-265-9308



Brought to you by sponsors – Gorge Point Pub and Fuel Supplements Westshore

Results were:

Womens : Won 55-5 vs Comox

Mens Prem Reserve: Lost 55-5 vs UBCOB Ravens

Mens Premier: Lost 46-15 vs UBCOB Ravens

Next Week:

01 Dec 18

Womens : 1st half season completed

Mens 3rd Div: Away vs CW KO 11:30am

Mens Prem Reserve: 1st half season completed

Mens Premier: Home vs JBAA, KO 2:30pm

02 Dec

Youth: South Island Jamboree at Oakbay from 10:30-11:30 am


U14 Girls at JBAA from 11:00am -1pm

U14 Boys at Westshore Noon to 1:30pm



Congratulations to both Westshore RFC members Kyle Baillie and Eric Howard on Canadas NSMT winning the RWC 2019 qualifier repechage.  Next up RWC in Japan 2019!!!

Congratulations to both Westshore RFC members Elissa Alarie and Brianna Miller on Canadas NSWT on their Fall tour of Great Britain winning 35-14 over England, 38-21 over Wales.  Next up Scotland 27 Nov to end tour!!!

REFEREE COURSE: The next course offered is 15 Feb 19 at Royal Bay HS in Westshore from 9am-4pm.  We need more players and members to step up and volunteer for these positions to keep the referee pool at all levels healthy.  Follow the link below to sign up.


WESTSHORE 12 BARS OF XMAS/UGLY SWEATER PUB CRAWL: Mark your calendars for 1st Dec from 7pm-midnight(ish). Face book link below:

If interested Please contact Social Rep.

Jason Gagnier-Men’s Rep

WESTSHORE YOUTH X-MAS PARTY: The Clubs youth X-mas party, which is open to all players, volunteers and members will be on 01 Dec from 5pm-8pm.  If interested Please contact Kelly Hanvey.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Mike Joss at Gorge Point Pub located at 1075 Gorge Rd.

From their website “Victoria’s Best Kept Secret! Welcome to Victoria’s best-loved neighbourhood pub. Located by the Gorge Waterway, a go-to destination for Victorians looking for refreshment and recreation for over 100 years.

We have 22 different lagers, ales, ciders and stouts on tap, from the mainstream macro-beers to the local micro-brews that have put Victoria front and center on the craft beer map. We also carry a vast selection of spirits to keep any connoisseur happy. Come and try our menu with delicious appetizers, pub favorites and weekly features, that give casual dining a refreshing twist.

Drop by for some great food and drinks tonight…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 1075 Gorge Rd
Phone: 250-386-5500


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Fuel Supplements Westshore located at 101-1810 Old Island Hwy.

From their website ” FUEL is a natural health food store packed with supplements. When you’re trying to sculpt your body, or perform at a high level in your sport, sports nutrition supplements can help you. SVN Fuel is Canada’s pre­mier sup­plier of vit­a­mins and sup­ple­ments, with 14 loca­tions in south­west­ern BC and an online store pro­vid­ing thou­sands of nutri­tional prod­ucts across Canada and beyond. Whether you’re look­ing to bulk up, lose weight, or improve your health through organic and herbal sup­ple­ments, SVN Fuel is the place for you.

Our friendly and knowl­edge­able fit­ness con­sul­tants get immense sat­is­fac­tion from help­ing peo­ple live hap­pier and health­ier lives, and are always avail­able to dis­cuss your train­ing, fit­ness, and weight goals as well as pro­vide advice on achiev­ing them. We care­fully select and sell only prod­ucts that have been proven safe and effective—and never sell any­thing we haven’t tried ourselves. Fuel Vic­to­ria guar­an­tees the high­est qual­ity of ser­vice, and 100% sat­is­fac­tion. Check us out today and see how we can help you meet your fit­ness goals.

Contact for all your supplements needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 101-1810 Old Island Hwy
Phone: 778-433-3835



Brought to you by sponsors -Aptoella Rugby and IUOE Local 115

Results were:

Womens : Lost 55-5 vs Nanaimo

Mens 3rd Div: CANCELLED

Mens Prem Reserve: Lost 68-7 vs UVIC

Mens Premier: Lost 32-29 vs UVIC

Next Week:

24 Nov 18

Womens : Away vs Comox, KO 11:30am

Mens 3rd Div: CANCELLED -Away vs UVIC

Mens Prem Reserve: Away vs UBCOB Ravens in Vancouver, KO 12:30pm

Mens Premier: Away vs UBCOB Ravens in Vancouver, KO 2:30pm

25 Nov

Youth: Practice at Westshore from 10:30-11:30 am

Juniors: Practice at Westshore from 11:30am -1pm


WESTSHORE CANADA NSMT MEMBERS: Congratulations again to both Westshore RFC members Kyle Baillie and Eric Howard on Canadas NSMT win over Germany 29-10 in RWC 2019 qualifier repechage.  Next up Hong Kong, with a win places Canada in the RWC!!!

REFEREE COURSE: The next course offered is 15 Feb 19 at Royal Bay HS in Westshore from 9am-4pm.  We need more players and members to step up and volunteer for these positions to keep the referee pool at all levels healthy.  Follow the link below to sign up.


WESTSHORE 12 BARS OF XMAS/UGLY SWEATER PUB CRAWL: Mark your calendars for 2nd Dec from 7pm-midnight(ish).

If interested Please contact Social Rep.

WESTSHORE X-MAS PARTY: The Clubs X-mas party, which is open to all players, volunteers and members will be on 15th Dec from 5pm-8pm.  If interested Please contact Social Rep.

Jason Gagnier-Men’s Rep
APTOELLA RUGBYWestshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Barbra Mervin at Aptoella Rugby located at 900 Whitaker Rd, Malahat.From their website “APTOELLA was started by Westshore RFC member Barbara Mervin in 2012. Her vision was to create a women’s rugby apparel line that would empower female athletes to perform their best, achieve their goals, and realize their potential. Since then, Barbara has used her own experience as an International Women’s 15s and 7s rugby player and worked with many other amazing female athletes to design products that fit women’s bodies and cater to their unique needs. Barbara’s vision continues to be at the centre of our company. We believe in social responsibility and making the world a better place. Every member of our team is an athlete that understands the needs of our customers. We hand make each custom order in the APTOELLA Design House in Victoria BC, Canada with the care and attention it deserves. We hope you enjoy all of our products as much as we love making them! Love, The APTOELLA Team”

Contact for all your rugby needs…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 900 Whitaker Rd, Malahat
Phone: 250-661-0974


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor IUOE (International Union of Operating Engineers) Local 115 at 4333 Ledger Ave, Burbaby.  Our Westshore member James Knowles is a member as a heavy machine operator.

From their website “Operating Engineers have worked on most of BC’s power-creating dams including the recently completed John Hart Generating Station Replacement.  We built include the Waneta Expansion dam project, the Golden Ears Bridge, the BC Place roof and many more. Operating Engineers also help to protect BC’s communities. We are the Aerial Firefighters who risk their lives extinguishing wildfires throughout the province. Local 115 has over 11,000 members who work in many industries. We are dam builders, crane and heavy equipment operators, road builders, aerial firefighters and mechanics.  Our slogan, “rise above” refers to our members who work in high-altitude, high-risk environments as well as our approach to protection, compensation and empowerment of workers.”

Need heavy machinery, give them a call…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 4333 Ledger Ave, Burbaby
Phone: 604-291-8831



Brought to you by sponsors – RJC Engineers LTD and Red Arrow Brewery

Results were:

Mens Prem Reserve: Won vs Nanaimo, 25-0

Mens Premier: Won vs Nanaimo, 23-13

Next Week:

17 Nov 18

Womens : Away vs Nanaimo, KO 11:30am

Mens 3rd Div: CANCELLED -Away vs Oakbay CW, KO 11:30am (TBC)

Mens Prem Reserve: Home vs UVIC, KO 1pm

Mens Premier: Home vs UVIC, KO 2:30pm

11 Nov

Youth: Island Jamboree #3 at Oakbay from 11:30-1pm

Juniors: Games at Oakbay from 11:20-2pm.


WESTSHORE CANADA NSMT MEMBERS: Congratulations to both Westshore RFC members Kyle Baillie and Eric Howard on Canadas NSMT win over Kenya 65-19 in RWC 2019 qualifier repechage.

CANADA VS GERMANY GAME: The  Westshore RFC clubhouse will be open next Saturday 17 Nov for the Canada vs Germany game, kick off is at 7am!!!


Get your best Vikings costumes together and get ready for the next club social night! We will be having a bit of a friendly competition night between the Valkyries and Valhallians next Saturday night at the clubhouse. Players from each team will compete against each other in events for a bit of fun and competition hopefully get to know a few of the new faces around the club. Events included on the night will be slap cup, flip cup, musical chairs, beer pong and possibly a few more as the night goes along.

There will be a bit of information to come regarding rides to town later in the evening and will be posted on this pages as soon as it has been confirmed. Rally the troops and get out to support a fun club night.

WESTSHORE CANADIAN RUGBY FUND: Westshore is looking for more investors to help build our clubs Legacy Fund.  A few dollars each month adds up from many donors.  This fund assists with building up capital that can be used to support operating costs, player development and on field resources.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Red Arrow Brewery located at 5255 Chaster Rd, Duncan.

From their website ” Some of the best things happen over a beer. Ideas are ignited, friendships are forged and every now and then breweries are born. This holds true for Red Arrow Brewing which is the culmination of friendships and unbridled, hop fueled desire. We’re a collective. A synergy. Not one thing to one person or all things to every person. We’re a team of co-workers enjoying the creative process together. We create beer with a personality that has meaning to where we are and what we believe in. Utilizing the finest and often local ingredients we brew in small batches. Our beers are crafted to be intriguing, untamed and free.”

Drop buy for a pint…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 5255 Chaster Rd, Duncan
Phone: 250-597-0037


Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor RJC Engineering LTD located at 220-645 Tyee Rd.

From their website “Specializing in structural engineering, building science, structural restoration, structural glass and façade engineering and parking facility design and restoration, RJC Engineers is one of North America’s leading engineering firms. With a staff of more than 550 in 11 locations across the country, we offer highly personalized service at the local level with the expertise, depth and resources of a large, national firm. ”

Call for all your engineering requirements…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!


location: 220-645 Tyee Rd
Phone: 250-386-1194



Brought to you by sponsors Irish Times Pub and Penny Farthing Pub

Results were:

Mens 3rd Div: Won 28-15 over Comox
Mens Premier Reserve: Lost 28-12 to Port Ablerni

Next Week:

10 Nov 18

Womens : BYE/Make up

Mens 3rd Div: BYE/Make up

Mens Prem Reserve: Away vs Nanaimo, KO 1pm

Mens Premier: Away vs Nanaimo, KO 2:30pm

11 Nov

Youth: Nothing due to Remembrance Day

Juniors: Club practice at Westshore RFC from 11:30-1pm.



Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Penny Farthing Pub located at 2228 Oak Bay Ave.

From their website “A warm welcome awaits you at The Penny Farthing Olde English Pub in the heart of Victoria’s Oak Bay Village. Here you’ll discover fires crackling in four fireplaces, rich dark wood, Victorian-etched glass doors and windows, a fascinating collection of memorabilia and a fabulous bar.

Visit us for a break or lunch. Drop by for drinks after work. Meet for a cozy dinner. Gather around the bar or on the patio with the gang. The Penny offers you a true English pub experience, right here in Victoria, BC. ”

Drop buy for a pint and some great food…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 2228 Oak Bay Ave
Phone: 250-370-9008


Westshore RFC would like to thank sponsor Irish Times Pub located at 1200 Government St.

From their website “Voted Best Irish Pub in North America this year, we here at the Irish Times embrace the Irish culture with food for the body, drink for the spirit, and music for the soul. We pride ourselves on providing our guests with a true Irish experience since opening our doors in 2004.

Enjoy a Drink for the spirit with a perfectly poured pint of Guinness or savour Victoria’s best Irish coffee. We also boast over 40 taps from local craft breweries and around the globe and have the largest selection of Irish whiskeys in Canada as well as an amazing wine list featuring some of British Columbia’s best grapes.

Music for the soul is heard 7 nights a week, from East and West coast Celtic to blues, classic rock and more. Starting at 9pm nightly, there’s a genre for everyone. On Friday and Saturday afternoons you can also catch musical acts playing traditional Celtic tunes from 4pm to 7pm.

We look forward to greeting you with a warm Irish welcome in the heart of downtown Victoria. Come for the Guinness, stay for the Craic.”

Drop buy for a pint and some great food and atmosphere…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 1200 Government St
Phone: 250-383-7775



Brought to you by sponsor Avalon Mechanical Consultants Ltd

Results were:

Womens : Won 35-32 over Oakbay CW
Mens 3rd Div: Won 35-321-32 over Oakbay CW
Mens Premier: Lost 40-38 to Oakbay CW

Next Week:

03 Nov 18

Mens 3rd Div: Away in Comox KO TBD

Mens PRem Reserve: Away vs Port Alberni in Comox KO TBD

Womens : BYE
Mens Premier: BYE

4 Nov

Youth: Southern Island Regional Jamboree at Westshore on Sunday from 10:00-11:30 am

Juniors: Away to Oakbay at Windsor from 11:30-1pm.


WESTSHORE CANADIAN RUGBY FUND: Westshore is looking for more investors to help build our clubs Legacy Fund.  A few dollars each month adds up from many donors.  This fund assists with building up capital that can be used to support operating costs, player development and on field resources.



Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor Avalon Mechanical Consultants LTD located at 300-1245 Esquimalt Road.

From their website “We have a proven history of designing cost effective and energy efficient building systems including plumbing, HVAC and fire suppression systems for both new and renovated buildings. Through our experience and expertise in mechanical design we are uniquely positioned to design highly cost effective and energy efficient mechanical systems. With two offices on Vancouver Island, and a complement of skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced staff, we can deliver on a variety of project types and sizes in a timely manner. “

Call for all your mechanical services required…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

location: 300-1245 Esquimalt Road.
Phone: 250-384-4128



Brought to you by sponsor H.I. Mechanical Inc

Results were:

Womens : Won 68-22 over Cowichan
Mens Premier Reserve: Won 22-17 vs Vancouver Rowers.
Mens Premier: Won 25-18 against Vancouver Rowers.

Next Week:

27 Oct 18

10am: Celtic Barbarians, Rugby Canada and Uof A Pandas exhibition games

11:30am: Women’s Valkyries vs CW

1pm: Westshore Mens 3rd Div vs CW

2:30pm: Westshore Mens Premier vs CW

4pm: Rugby Canada Elite Womans game

28 Oct

Youth: Home field practice at Westshore on Sunday from 10:00-11:30 am

Juniors: Home field practice at Westshore on Sunday from 11:30-1pm


50th ANNIVERSARY EVENT-  What an event celebrating our 50th birthday, coming away with 3 big wins!!!  The Board of Directors would like to thank the many volunteers who assisted with making this day such a success.  If name a few: Executive Director Clay Panga for managing the whole day as the lead project manager for the entire event.  Mike Joss, Chad Vath and Catherine for running the bar in the tent.  Kelly Hanvey and Lori Murray for organizing the food and fundraising items, with Kelly organizing our sponsors Sizzling Tandori for food services. Jon Hume arranging the skydivers between games delivering game ball.  John Lyall for MC services for the day.  Andrew Owen for running the bus services. Rosie Lang and Melissa Sims selling Westshore items. And to our Youth and Junior members who ran the gate.  And finally to all our many supporters and past members who attended and made the day special, cheering on our teams!!!

WESTSHORE RFC GEAR FOR SALE: Club gear and merchandise is for sale, items from hats to scarfs to shirts and bags. Check out the FB Social group for details.  Items will be for sale at the club on the following dates:

Thursday, October 25 – 8:00-9:00pm

Saturday, October 27 – 1:00pm -3:00pm

Sunday, October 28 – 10:00am – 11:30am

RORI WOOD: Congratulations to long time Westshore RFC member Rori Wood on being awarded the CANWEST Rookie of the year award while playing at UBC.  We are all very proud of you!!



Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor H.I. Mechanical Inc located Westshore, serving all of Victoria.

From their website “At H.I. Mechanical Inc. we believe that the most important part of any project is its TEAM. We strive to work with our clients in a team like manner to insure all of our projects are completed on time and to our clients expectations. One key component to this, is our staff buying into our TEAM first mentality to insure we are going above and beyond the mechanical portion on your project, and working with you and other trades to insure a top quality product is produced.”

Call for Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heat Pump services, all completed in house by their highly trained staff….and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located in Westshore, serving all of Victoria.
Phone: 250-589-8959
Owner: Craig Inglis (Westshore RFC member)



Results were:

Womens : Lost 41-21 to Comox
Mens Premier Reserve: Lost 31-18 to JBAA.
Mens Premier: Lost 21-15 to JBAA.

Next Week:

Youth U11 away to Nanaimo for Island Jamboree #2 on Sunday 21 Oct from 11am-1pm.

Junior Girls (U12-19) away to Kamloops 7’s for the weekend.

50th ANNIVERSARY EVENT- It’s the clubs 50th anniversary this year and the celebration will be a full day of rugby and events for all ages. All times to be announced as the become available.  Games on tap:

– Junior Boys KO at 10:30am
– Women vs Cowichan KO at 11:30am
– Premier Reserve vs Rowers KO at 1pm
– Premier vs Rowers KO at 2:45pm

Events include:
– Rookie Rugby
– 50/50 Draw
– Old Boys Tent
– Sizzling Tandori will be onsite

This is sure to be an event not to miss for players past and present. There will be special guests in attendance to give speeches on the clubs history and where we have come from. Shuttles will be available in the evening to a sponsor pub. Please come out and join us celebrating this clubs great history on 20 Oct!



Results were:

Mens 3rd Div: Game cancelled-moved to 6 Oct.

Womens : Won 35-34 over CW
Mens Premier Reserve: Lost 74-5 to UBC in Vancouver.
Mens Premier: Lost 42-15 to UBC in Vancouver.

Next Week: Thanksgiving Sat 06 Oct 18

Mens 3rd Div: Home vs Comox KO 1 PM


THURSDAY NIGHT TOUCH- This Thursday night from 6:30-8pm on the grass field, with food and drinks afterwards in the club house.  All are welcome to attend and participate.

50th ANNIVERSARY EVENT- It’s the clubs 50th anniversary this year and the celebration will be a full day of rugby and events for all ages. All times to be announced as the become available.  Games on tap:

– Thirds vs Cowichan
– Women vs Cowichan
– Premier Reserve vs Rowers
– Premier vs Rowers

Events include:
– Rookie Rugby
– 50/50 Draw
– Old Boys Tent
– Sizzling Tandori will be onsite

This is sure to be an event not to miss for players past and present. There will be special guests in attendance to give speeches on the clubs history and where we have come from. Shuttles will be available in the evening to a sponsor pub. Please come out and join us celebrating this clubs great history on 20 Oct!

Westshore RFC would like to thank returning sponsor Brewis Electrical located at 638 Hillside Drive.
From their website “Brewis Electric Generators of Victoria, was established in 1984 to service the surrounding area and provide residents with all their standby electric power solutions. Our staff of knowledgeable, dedicated professionals takes pride in providing outstanding, personalized service to our customers and our community. Call us today and become one of our many satisfied customers.”
Call for your electrical needs including generators, pumps and switches today…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!
located at 638 Hillside Drive
Phone: 250-383-5157
Owner: Mark Wyatt


Westshore RFC would like to welcome international 7’s/15 Rugby Canada alumni Nanyak Dala to our Coaching team and family.



Results were:

Mens 3rd Div: Game cancelled

Womens : Won 53-10 vs Cowichan
Mens Premier Reserve: Won 36-31 vs Cowichan for Times Cup points
Mens Premier: Bye

Next Week: Sat 29 Sep 18

Womens : Away vs CW KO 11:30am

Mens Premier Reserve: Away vs UBC in Vancouver KO 1pm
Mens Premier: Away vs UBC in Vancouver KO 230pm

Sun 30 Sep 18

Mens 3rd Div: Home vs Comox KO 1pm, awaiting confirmation due to game moved from Sat to Sun.


U14 Boys 12 noon at JBAA. Contact Director of Men’s Juniors: Gary Beels.

U14 girls, Time TBD at Campbell River.  Contact Director of Juniors: Marlene Donaldson.

U16/18 girls, Time TBD at Nanaimo.  Contact Director of Juniors: Marlene Donaldson.

Elite 7’s Girls Time TBD at Shawnigan Lake. Contact Director of Juniors: Marlene Donaldson.


Island Jamboree in Campbell River from 11 am-1pm.  Contact Director of Youth: Kelly Hanvey.


MEDICAL FORMS: The Trainers have a medical form for everyone to fill out again this year. However, if you are a returning player and we already have your full medical form, we have a one-page document for you to update changes from the last year. All new players need to fill out the full form. These can be printed off (located on FB group pages) and brought to them or you can fill them out on your computer and send to them (Emily Peck/Kevin Sommerfeld).

CAR RALLY 2018 WINNERS: The team of Jason Gagnier, Aaron Frisby, Nanyak Dala and Julie MacDonald were the top team completing the Car Rally/Scavenger hunt with the most points.  Was a great team building social event enjoyed by all that participated.  Thanks goes out to Dale Grimston and Jason Gagnier for the event.

FOR GOODLIFE VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED MARATHON: Its that time of year again! Please let Clay Panga know if you are available to volunteer for the marathon water station set up and run by Westshore RFC members. This was a lot of fun last year and many are looking forward to doing it again! Our station is completed by 10am usually, so do not worry about missing that Thanksgiving Turkey. This brings revenue into our club for running a water station for the event, which supports our clubs operating costs that is part of our annual fund raising efforts. Come on out and volunteer!!!!



Westshore RFC would like to thank new sponsor Belfor Property Restoration located at 4216 Glanford Ave.

From their website “BELFOR is the largest Canadian disaster recovery and property restoration company for residential and commercial properties. BELFOR Canada operates more than 35 company-owned full-service restoration offices in eight provinces, from the mountains of Western Canada to the Atlantic coastline. We offer more services and solutions for property damage caused by water, fire, storms or mold than any recovery company in Canada. From structural security and total reconstruction, to the recovery and restoration of documents and machinery, BELFOR Canada has the in-house specialists, capabilities and technologies to handle any type of property damage or disaster. Anytime – 24 hours a day – count on a company that delivers unmatched service.  Count on BELFOR Canada.”

Drop by for your restoration needs today…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located at 4216 Glanford Ave

Phone: 250-978-5556

Emergency # (24/7): 250-877-978-5558

General Manager: Rod Absolon



Results were:

Mens 3rd Div: Game cancelled

Womens : Won 29-10 vs Nanaimo
Mens Premier Reserve: Won 68-0 vs Nanaimo
Mens Premier: Won 47-12 vs Nanaimo

Next Week: 22 Sep 18

Womens : Away vs Cowichan KO 11:30am
Mens 3rd Div: Away vs Cowichan KO 1245pm

Mens Premier Reserve: Away vs Cowichan KO 2:30pm
Mens Premier: Bye


U14/U16/U18, 22 Sep 18 from 11am-1pm at Westshore grass field.  Contact Director of Juniors: Marlene Donaldson


23 Sep 18 club practice at Westshore grass field from 10-11:30am.  Contact Director of Youth: Kelly Hanvey.


Annual club dues rates are $350 for all senior players over 19 yrs old. $300 for full time students (must prove with ID). $200 for a half season (everyone). Players paying for full season will receive 1 Tech style warm up shirt. Payable by cash or cheque (made out to Westshore RFC) to Jay Jimmo-Director of Membership. Deadline Tuesday 9th Oct (day after Thanksgiving long weekend). If dues are not paid by this date, name goes on NO PLAY LIST: unable to practice or play until dues paid in full. Payment plans are available.
This will be the last year for this type of business plan for payment. Starting next year, all club dues will be paid combined with registration at season start before 1st game played. So plan ahead for this large $500 amount



Results were:

Mens Premier Reserve: Exhibition game vs UVIC Norsmen lost 65-5
Mens Premier: Lost vs UVIC Vikes 57-36 (game write up below)

Next Week: 15 Sep 18

Mens 3rd Div: Home vs Nanaimo KO 1030am

Womens : Home vs Nanaimo KO noon
Mens Premier Reserve: Home vs Nanaimo KO 1:30pm
Mens Premier: Home vs Nanaimo KO 3:15pm


U14/U16/U18 girls 7’s, 16 Sep 18 from 11am-1pm in Cowichan.  Contact Director of Juniors: Marlene Donaldson


TRY RUGBY Event 16 Sep 18 at Westshore grass field from 10-11:30am.  Contact Director of Youth: Kelly Hanvey.

MENS 8 SEP GAME SUMMARY: By Clancey McDonnell

Westshore’s Velox Valhallians kicked off their season with a visit to their erstwhile neighbourhood of Gordon Head to take on UVic  There was an exhibition game for the reserve teams to begin (UVic won handily) before the big boys got stuck into it.  The VVs played 50 minutes of decent rugby, interrupted by a middle 30 of crud that scuppered their plans of victory.

Starting brightly, the VVs worked their way into the Vikes’ 22, took a lineout option on a penalty, then barged their way over for a rather straightforward try.  The students hit back ten minutes later after some back and forth play, and then the teams continued to alternate possession and territory until 28 minutes in, when a yellow card against Westshore changed the flow of things considerably.

UVic scored three converted tries by the time the bin countdown was finished, and added two more in quick succession after the break.  42-5 made for ugly reading as spectators wondered just how savage the deficit would become.

At this juncture the VVs pulled up their socks and began to play properly, showing renewed resolve in defence and finding some fluency in attack by moving beyond one-out runners.  They scored three tries before the students hit back, with both teams then scoring a couple more.The final score was 57-36.

You can’t avoid tackling for half an hour against a reasonable team and expect to get a result.  Having said that there were some bright points.  Jason Gagnier showed his hunger, ploughing over for a couple of tries.  New back row recruits Cole Mosychuk and Ben Brill made an immediate impact in both attack and defence.  The pack lost one feed against the head but earned two emphatic penalties and stole another one in good field position.

The Vikes, for their part, were as expected fairly fit and mobile.  They did well in terms of continuity, and had good fortune down the right flank in particular,  Their fly-half put on on a virtuoso kicking display to boot.  Both teams had evidence of rust in ball handling as well as playing the referee.

Coach Aaron Frisby, while obviously disappointed with the loss of focus that saw the Vikes score 42 points on the bounce, said “there was enough shown on Saturday to confirm there is a lot of promise within the squad.”






Mens Premier Reserve: away vs UVIC 12:45PM KO
Mens Premier: away vs UVIC 2:30PM KO

Next Week: 15 Sep 18
Womens: Home vs Nanaimo RFC for 11:30am

Mens Premier Reserve: Home vs Nanaimo RFC for 12:45pm
Mens Premier: Home vs Nanaimo RFC for 2:30pm

Men’s 3rd Div: Home vs UVIC Saxons RFC for 4pm.


September 9 @ 10:00 am11:30 am

Westshore Youth/Mini program would like to invite anyone interested in the sport of rugby to come out and give it a try.

Ages 6-12 boys/girls, Everyone is welcome!!!

Westshore Rec Center Grass field #1 from 10-11:30am

Any questions please contact:

Kelly Hanvey




24 July 18

MENS Team Practice Announcement

First practice will be on August 16th at 6.30pm at Westshore Rec Center grass field.

First preseason game is on August 25th, home, against the Meraloma RFC.

First game of the season will be on September 8th, TBA.

Coach Aaron Frisby


24 July 18

Family Touch rugby for Aug!!!


22 Jul 18

Summer Touch Finals this Thursday at the club!!!!


18 Jul 18

11 Westshore Valkyries represent at the CRCs

Westshore RFC would like to congratulate members of the BC Premier back to back Champs who are representing the BC provincial team for the Canadian Rugby Championships.  Canadian Senior National team players Amanda Thornborough and Chelsey Minter-Truck made the squad, as they have for countless years.  New members of the Canadian U20 National Women’s Team, Val Wideski and McKenzie Pusch join as well.  Long time Valkyries Randi Hunter and Courtney Sims anchor and round out the BC Team.  All are being coached by 2 Westshore members, the new Men’s head coach Aaron Frisby, and as assistant Coach Westshore Men’s team Captain Dave Phillips.  Representing the Alberta Wolf Pack are Valkyries Paige Farries, Maddy Aberg and Sarah Adriano.  With Eli Alaria and Sasha Guedes playing for the Qubec provincial team.  All of these amazing players representing at this high level, and either selected for NSWT or will be soon.  We wish them all luck playing not only for our club, but the provinces as well.


15 July 18

Westshore RFC Junior Phoenix Skailes makes BC U15 team

Westshore RFC would like to congratulate junior girls player Phoenix Skailes on being selected for the U15 BC Provincial team for the upcoming Canadian Rugby Championships. Phoenix spent the beginning and most of her life raised in Dawson City in the Yukon until age 10, when she moved with her family to Victoria.  Her father Jimmy has been playing the sport of rugby for many years, and is currently a member of the Ebb Tide RFC.  This prompted her to want to follow in her fathers foot steps and take up the sport.  She started with the Westshore RFC Family by joining the junior girls program for the U14 team at age 12.  She continued to play rugby at Spencer High School, coached under long time Westshore Valkyrie senior women’s player Brittany Sims.  For the past 2 years Phoenix has made Junior Crimson Tide for the U14 all star team.  Now at age 14, she has made the BC U15 provincial team for the first time being held in Kelowna, BC from 26-29 July.  Her father stated “I am super proud of Phoenix.  Watching my daughter set her goals for a passion and achieve them, she works very hard due to her own drive to succeed.  We are honoured to be part of the Westshore family!!!”  Everyone at Westshore RFC family wishes Phoenix luck at the CRC’s in upcoming weeks.


10 July 18

The Westshore RFC Board of Directors are pleased to announce an exciting new initiative. The Westshore Wizards 7’s Rugby program, spearheaded by former Canadian International Team member – Mike Scholz.

Training sessions are open to both men and women and will host free sessions to youth players throughout the year. The program was designed to cater to the ever increasing growth in sevens rugby and will provide a platform for players wanting to play sevens at a higher level.

Mike Scholz started playing rugby in his home town of Oakville, Ontario starting with the Oakville Trafalgar High School and then the Oakville Crusaders Rugby Club. In 2007 Mikes raw athleticism and natural ability would lead him to the world stage being selected to represent Canada at the U-19 World Cup in Ireland, and again in 2008 at the U-20 World Cup in Wales. A member of the mighty Niagara Thunder, and later won a CRC championship with the Ontario Blues. He won his first Senior XV’s Cap in November of 2009 in a win vs Russia and was a member of the 2011 World Cup squad. Sevens would become Mikes sole focus post 2011 World Cup as he earned his first 7s cap at Hong Kong in 2010, and was a member of the National Mens 7’s squad until 2016. He won a Pan Am Games gold medal in Guadalajara, Mexico in 2011 and represented Canada at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland in 2014. Retired due to injuries in 2016.

Westshore Wizards 2018 Season

1) Kelowna 7’s – July 28th-29th

Training sessions:
-Thursday 19th of July, 6pm @ JDF
-Thursday 26th of July, 6pm @ JDF

2) Bayside 7’s – August 25th

Training Session
-Thursday 23rd of August, 6pm @ JDF

3) Langford 7’s – September 1st

Training Session
-Thursday 30th of Aug, 6pm @ JDF

For further details please email


30 Jun 18

Mark Wyatt inducted into BC Rugby Hall of Fame  for 2nd time.  Once as an individual and again with the 1991 World Cup Canadian Team.  Link for article below:


20 Jun 18

5 Westshore RFC members join Crimson Tide All Star team

Westshore RFC was well represented on Men’s Crimson Tide this year. Congratulations on Players selected: Taylor McGuire, Foster Dewitt, Jason Gagnier, Ryan Waldriff and Aaron Frisby as Coach. Tide unfortunately lost to Vancouver Wave 52-32 final score.


15 June 18

Westshore would like to announce Aaron Frisby as the new Men’s Head Coach for the upcoming 2018-2019 season starting in Sept.

Aaron, originally from NZ, first joined Velox Valhallians in 2004 at the Gordon Head facilities as a starting player on the Men’s Premier teams, continuing to play on both Premier and 1st Div teams until 2015 in the backfield and full back. During this time he started his coaching career in 2004 with age grade teams for the youth/junior programs for Velox in the grass root era coaching every team up to and including U18’s. Aaron was part of the Executive Council as the Director of Rugby Operations for 2 years from 2009-2011, before taking over as the Head Coach for the Velox Premier Women’s Valkyries team, leading them to a BCRU Provincial Title in 2011. He has represented four Super League teams as a player over his career: Crimson Tide, Vancouver Island Raiders, Calgary Mavericks and the Prairie Fire. Aaron took on the role as Player/Head Coach for the first time for the Velox Men’s program from 2011-2014, winning both the VIRU Times and Cowichan Cups, with multiple semi-final BCRU Provincial finalists during this time frame. He was then selected by BCRU Staff as Head Coach to lead provincial teams, starting in 2015 with the BC Men’s and Women’s Next Gen 7’s Teams, and BC Women’s 15’s Team: positions he continues presently to this day. Which lead to him to be included as the 2018 Crimson Tide Men’s 15’s co-Coach. During the past 3 years Aaron has again taken on his Player/Coach role leading the Westshore Velox 3rd Div Men’s team to back to back BCRU Provincial Champions for 2017 & 2018 seasons.

When asked about his coaching history listed above, he responded “I started my coaching career at Velox in 2004 with age grade teams, coaching every team from the U18s, Third div men, premier women and the top men’s side at the club over a 9 year period. After some successful years coaching provincial 7s and 15s programs, it’s great to be able to step back into the club at an exciting time at Westshore.” When asked further on the direction of the club, he stated “Things are starting to click at the club with the premier women on top, the third div on top and the men returning to the Premiership, everything is heading in the right direction at Westshore. We have a core group of players within the men’s program that can start to make waves in the premier division and I’m excited to see what they can do this coming season.”


Summer Touch Tournament-01 Jun 18

Westshore RFC is running a 6 week touch tournament this summer with a $1000.00 prize!!!

Thursday nights at JDF turf fields.

6:30-8:30 pm

If interested contact Clay Panga or show up to the field.


Annual Banquet-13 May 18

An amazing night on Friday for the Westshore Banquet that highlighted a close knit bonded family, and A LOT of outstanding work by A LOT of awesome volunteers and players!!! The Board would like to thank Clay Panga, Annie Taal and Jason Gagnier for organizing the night: Great job!

Award winners are listed below:

Muavae Va`a, Greg Clague

Muavae Va’a

James Knowles, Brittany Sims

Dale Grimston, Jikel Keys

Kelly Jane Hanvey

MVP-Foster Dewitt
Best Forward-Aidan McCleary
Best Back- Sitiveni Nacoko
Most Promising- Kyle White

MVP-Matt Kemp
Best Forward-Craig Inglis
Best Back-Spencer Dunstan-Adams
Most Promising-Issac Gonevou

MVP Forward: Ryan Waldriff
MVP Back: Conrad Newell
Rookie of the year: Rahul Roy
Wylie Veteran: Jamie Charko

Best Forward – Chelsey Minter
Best Back – Amanda Thornborough
Players’ Player – Courtney Sims
Most Improved – Melissa Sims

MVP – Natasha Edwards
Players’ Player- Haley Hall
Most Improved – Kristen Swann
Life of the Party – Sarah Levson

Rosie Lang
Randi Hunter



Results for the BC Provincial Finals were:

Womens Premier: Won BC Provincial over Burnaby RFC 39-7.  With back to back titles.

Mens 3rd Div: won BC Provincial over Capalano RFC 33-22. Also with back to back titles.

Congrats to all players on an outstanding achievement and season!!!



Results were:

Womens Premier: Quarter finals Bye

Mens 3rd Div: won BC Provincial Quarterfinals vs Chilliwack 54-33


Womens Premier: Our ladies as seed 1 will play Oakbay CW as seed 4 at home, KO TBA.

Men’s 3rd Div: take on Squamish RFC at home KO TBA.

ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC annual banquet 11 May 18 tickets are on sale for $45 each.  Open to all members of the extended Westshore RFC family and age groups. I got mine…how about you? Follow Face Book event link below:

NEW BOD: Congratulations to the new Board of Directors voted in from our AGM last week:

President: Mike Holmes

Vice President: Cam Neish

Executive Director: Clay Panga (Paid position/not voted on)

Secretary: Noel Woodward

Treasurer: Christel Hume

Director of Youth Rugby: Kelly Hanvey

Director of Junior Rugby: Marlene Donaldson

Director of Women’s Rugby: Marlene Donaldson

Director of Men’s Rugby: Mike Shelley

Director Membership/Registration: Jay Jimmo

Director of Fields/Equipment: David Phillips

Social Chairs: Men’s Jason Gagnier, Women’s Melissa Sims



Results were:

Womens Premier: Win vs  Capilano RFC 53-24 (last Regular season game)

Womens 2nd Div: Cancelled
Mens Premier Reserve: Lost vs JBAA 21-15 (last Regular season game)
Mens Premier: Lost vs JBAA 39-20 (last Regular season game)

Next Week: 21 Apr 18

Womens Premier: Quarter final Bye due to winning Regular season in 1st place as Seed 1

Womens 2nd Div: Made quarter finals, but team had to default playoff unfortunately due to too many players not qualifying for playoffs with BCRUs rules.
Men’s 3rd Div: Play Chilliwack KO 1 PM at home.
Mens Premier Reserve: Did not make playoffs, end of season.
Mens Premier: Did not make playoffs, end of season.



Results were:

Womens Premier: Lost vs Burnaby Lake RFC 27-7
Men’s 3rd Div: Win over Comox-Cancelled game due to Comox numbers
Mens Premier Reserve: Lost to Meralomos 38-12
Mens Premier: Win over Meralomos 41-28

Next Week: 14 Apr 18
Womens Premier: Away vs Capilano RFC for 12:45 pm

Womens 2nd Div: Home vs Scribes: Cancelled
Men’s 3rd Div: No posted game.
Mens Premier Reserve: Away 12:45pm vs JBAA
Mens Premier: Away 2:30pm vs JBAA

WHISKEY TASTING: 14 Apr 18 at Westshore Club House.  Sample some fine Whisky with a true connoisseur and great contributor to local, provincial and national rugby programs. James Buchanan, owner operator of Buchannan’s Whisky Chophouse in Calgary, Alberta will be returning to his old club in Victoria to facilitate this sensational fundraiser on April 14th at 7pm at the JDF lower clubhouse.  $50 per ticket limited to 40 tickets only.  Includes 4 drams of whisky and 4 food pairings, option of a pick up from James Bay Rugby Club at 6:00pm and drop off to Gorge Point Pub at completion of event.  Buy your tickets at link below:

AGM: 19th Apr at Clubhouse 8pm start.  You must be a player with dues paid in full, or a non player with paid social dues to vote.  All welcome to attend.

ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC annual banquet 11 May 18 tickets are on sale for $45 each.  Open to all members of the extended Westshore RFC family and age groups. I got mine…how about you? Follow Face Book event link below:


BEACH RAGS: Westshore RFC would like to thank Westshore sponsor Beach Rags, owned by long time member and supporter Lori Murray,  located at 105-1483 Douglas St.

From their website “SWIMWEAR. ALL GROWN UP!”

Drop by for your upcoming spring and summer bathing suit needs today…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located at 105-1483 Douglas St.
Phone: 250-381-5858


Westshore RFC would like to thank new Westshore sponsor Glenwood Meats located at 1245 Parkwood Dr

From their website ” Glenwood Meats is proud to offer quality cuts of meat at affordable prices to the Greater Victoria area. Please feel free to browse our site to learn more about our products and services. This website is kept up to date with our weekly specials and contains a comprehensive list of our quality meat & deli products.”

Drop by for your Barbequing and meals needs today…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located at 1245 Parkwood Dr
Phone: 250-478-6328



Results were:

Womens Premier: Won vs Burnaby Lake RFC 69-17
Men’s 3rd Div: Lost to Port Alberni 41-31
Mens Premier Reserve: Lost to UBC 26-10
Mens Premier: Lost to UBC 48-13

Next Week: 7 Apr 18
Womens Premier: Away vs Burnaby Lake RFC for 1:00 pm

Womens 2nd Div: Away vs Scribes for 1pm
Men’s 3rd Div: Away vs Comox KO 1pm.
Mens Premier Reserve: Home 12:45pm vs Lomas
Mens Premier: Home 12:45pm vs Lomas

AGM: 19th Apr at Clubhouse 8pm start.  You must be a player with dues paid in full, or a non player with paid social dues to vote.  All welcome to attend.

ANNUAL BANQUET: Westshore RFC annual banquet 11 May 18 tickets are on sale for $45 each.  Open to all members of the extended Westshore RFC family and age groups. I got mine…how about you? Follow Face Book event link below:



Results were:
Womens Premier: 20-0 forfeit win over Seattle RFC
Mens Premier Reserve: 53-10 loss against UVIC Norsemen
Mens Premier: 71-20 loss to UVIC Vikes
Mens 3rd Div: 50-10 win vs UVIC Jutes

Next WNext Week: Easter weekend 31 Mar 18
Womens Premier: vs Burnaby Lake RFC away for 1:00 pm
Men’s 3rd Div home at 11:30am vs Port Alberni.
Mens Premier Reserve: vs UBC RFC at home 1pm (make up game from earlier in month)
Mens Premier: vs UBC RFC at home 230pm (make up game from earlier in month)


I will be placing an order for Stormtech nylon jackets with mesh liner with our logo on the chest as displayed in pictures below. Cost is $65 which includes taxes, sizes from Small to XXXL (my size). Cash paid up front. Order will be placed on 12 Apr with a guaranteed 2 week turn around from Out Of The Blue. Minimum order is 12 units. Any questions can be directed to myself: Jay Jimmo at 250-588-1696,


Westshore will be hosting a Spike Ball tournament Sunday March 26 starting at 1:00pm.  This sport has been massive over the last couple years so we thought we should get a tournament together and have a bit of fun on a Sunday. Great way to get out with friends on a Sunday.  Come as a team or a single and we will pair you up entry is $5/player or $10/team prizes for first and second place. The golf course will have their beer garden open if you feel so inclined and we will also have burgers going on the BBQ.  Anyone who has a court is encouraged to please bring it out so we can get as many games going as possible.


Dear current and alumni members: There will be pint raised next Thursday the 29th of March for the following deceased members.

Mike Page – October 15, 2012
Joe Matthews – April 08, 2016
Paul Connolly – November 01, 2017
Gord McKay – December 22, 2017
Doug Ware – February 17, 2018

Jon Hume will be the MC and give a brief speech about these old boys. Clubhouse will be open from 7:30 for alumni and current players will be joining at the end of their respective practices. On behalf of the Executive we hope you can join us.

AGM: 19th Apr at Clubhouse 8pm start.  You must be a player with dues paid in full, or a non player with paid social dues to vote.  All welcome to attend.



Our Valhallians and Valkyries did a great job of winning 3 of 5 matches for the day with all away games. Including a maiden voyage with the clubs new bus to the States for men’s teams.

Results were:
Womens 2nd Div: 42-15 win over Langley RFC
Womens Premier: 65-7 win over Burnaby Lake RFC
Mens Premier Reserve: 19-15 win over Seattle RFC
Mens Premier: 71-32 loss to Seattle RFC
Mens 3rd Div: 60-7 loss to Cowichan RFC

Next Week:
Womens 2nd Div: vs Surrey RFC at home for 1130
Womens Premier: vs Seattle RFC at home for 1pm
Mens Premier Reserve: vs UVIC Norsemen RFC away 1pm
Mens Premier: vs UVIC Vikes RFC away 230pm
Mens 3rd Div: TBA



Our Valhallians and Valkyries did a great job of winning all 5 matches for the day at home verses Oakbay CW RFC

Results were:
Womens 2nd Div: 20-0 win over Ridge Meadows RFC
Womens Premier: 45-8 win over CW
Mens Premier Reserve: 27-15 Win over CW
Mens Premier: 29-10 win over CW
Mens 3rd Div: 50-7 win over CW

Next Week:Womens 2nd Div: away vs Langley RFC
Womens Premier: awayv s Burnaby Lake RFC
Mens Premier Reserve: away vs Seattle RFC
Mens Premier: away vs Seattle RFC
Mens 3rd Div: away vs Cowichan RFC



Westshore RFC teams had a great day with 4/5 wins at home vs Capilano RFC

Results were:
Womens 2nd Div: 19-5 loss to Caps
Womens Premier: 25-21 win over Caps
Mens Premier Reserve: 20-7 Win over Caps
Mens Premier: 25-21 win over Caps
Mens 3rd Div: 73-10 win over Comox RFC

Next Week:

Womens 2nd Div: home vs Ridge Meadows RFC

All other teams at home playing Oakbay CW.

    • -Women’s 2nd Div away game vs Rowers on 11 Nov was won 34-24.
    • -Women’s 2nd Div away game vs Ridge Meadows on 18 Nov was forfeit due to loss of too many players in last half.
    • -Women’s Premier won CW 31-29 in Oakbay.
    • -Men’s Premier Reserve lost to Meralomas 24-21 in Vancouver.
    • -Men’s Premier lost to to Meralomas 35-13 in Vancouver.
    • -Mens 3rd Div won vs UVIC 32-27.
  • U18’s boys won over JBAA 39-19 on 19th Nov.
  • U18’s girls won over North Island 59-0 with 7 Westshore members on it on 19th Nov.
NEXT WEEK- 25 Nov 17
  • -Women’s 2nd Div away game vs Caps RFC in Vancouver for 10 am.
  • -Women’s Premier away game vs Caps RFC in Vancouver for 11:30 am.
  • Men’s Premier Reserve  away game vs Caps RFC in Vancouver for 1 pm.
  • Men’s Premier away game vs Caps RFC in Vancouver for 2:30pm.
  • Mens 3rd Div at home vs COW for 1PM.

Westshore RFC would like to thank long time Velox/Westshore player/member and supporter Michael Louis Joss, owner and operator of Gorge Point Pub. Their logo states “At the Corner of good food and great people” and has always been a welcoming spot for our rugby family members. Such as the time Mike opened his doors in the early hours of a weekend morning to accommodate our club with food and breakfast while watching many of our Valkyries’ team playing in the Women’s RWC in August a few times. Swing by for a pint or some great food…and tell them you are from Westshore RFC!!!

located at 1075 Tillicum Rd
Phone: 250-386-5500

  • -Women’s 2nd Div away game vs Surrey RFC in Vancouver-Field Closure/Cancelled.
    -Women’s Premier won vs Burnaby 98-5: and even played 13 against 15 for over 10 mins.
    -Men’s Premier Reserve lost to Burnaby 35-15.
    -Men’s Premier lost to Burnaby 43-8.
    -Mens 3rd Div vs Cowichan-Cancelled.
NEXT WEEK- 11 Nov 17
  • -Women’s 2nd Div away game vs Rowers RFC in Vancouver at Brockton Oval for 11:15am.
    -Women’s Premier, Men’s Premier Reserve, Men’s Premier and Mens 3rd Div all have a bye.
CANADA VS NZ GAME: Congrats to Westshore RFC members: Eric Howard, Ryan Kotlewski, Andrew Ferguson and alumni Kyle Bailey on playing for Canada against the NZ All Blacks.  Unfortunately losing 51-9, but great effort by all…you make us proud.
CANADA U19 TEAM: Congratulations to Westshore RFC members Julian Foggitt, Isaac Gonevou and alumni Hunter Grant on receiving an invite to Canada’s U19 training camp.
12 PUBS OF XMAS: The Mens teams are holding a 12 Pubs of X-mas pub crawl on the 16th Dec.  Anyone wishing to participate please contact Jason Gagnier on FB.
PREMIER WOMENS TEAM MANAGER: The top ladies team is looking for a full time manager who is not already a player/coach/or volunteer that would be available for all home and away games, job specs on FB social page. Please contact Marlene Donaldson on FB if interested.

Westshore RFC would like to welcome one of our new sponsors Chahoo Threads– Westshore/Velox RFC member Niu Savea and his lovely wife Tina have started a new company- Chahoo Threads. In Samoan culture CHAHOO is yelled at celebrations, weddings, etc.. This company is a family run business showing Tina’s Saulteaux/Cree First nations and Niu’s Samoan cultures combining into a multi cultural symbol (That Tina designed). These soft cotton T-shirts are $29.95, which would make great gifts for X-mas coming up. With other items such as hoodies and shirts in various sizes and colours.

Contact Tina at:

Here is their website:

Chahoo Threads


  • -Women’s 2nd Div- game at home vs Surrey RFC CANCELLED due to their numbers.
    -Women’s Premier won at home vs CW 49-36.
    -Men’s Premier Reserve lost at home to Seattle 24-22.
    -Men’s Premier lost at home vs Seattle 39-30.
    -Mens 3rd Div- game away in Port Alberni CANCELLED due to our numbers.
NEXT WEEK- 4 Nov17
  • -Women’s 2nd Div away game vs Surrey RFC in Vancouver.
    -Women’s Premier play away to Burnaby for 1130am in Vancouver.
    -Men’s Premier Reserve play play away to Burnaby for 1 pm in Vancouver.
    -Men’s Premier play away to Burnaby for 230pm in Vancouver.
    -Mens 3rd Div play at home vs Cowichan at 1pm.

Premier Reserve team 28 Oct 17


Article by Barbara Mervin

Amanda Thornborough is making history. This along with a roster of current and former international players from England, France, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Canada have been invited to partake in the first ever Barbarians Women’s match against Munster at Thomond Park in Limerick Ireland on Friday, November 10th.

A brief history lesson for those who do not know: Barbarians RFC (or the Baa-Baas) is a famous invitational travelling rugby team based out of the UK that was founded in 1890. In order to be selected a player must demonstrate a high standard of play and exhibit the integrity and sportsmanship that rugby embodies–Making Amanda Thornborough a perfect choice. Blending the different styles of so many international teams produces a unique style of rugby that is unmatched anywhere else the world. The dynamic style of play will be aptly matched with Amanda’s quick thinking and even quicker feet.

The Barbarians are classically outfitted in a traditional black and white striped jersey with a Barbarian insignia on the left chest. An interesting feature of the kit due to it being a travelling team with no home base is that each player wears the socks from their own home club, with Amanda wearing her Westshore RFCB-Chin Blue CoverHER Shin Socks. We are very excited that our APTOELLA girl will be taking a little piece of us with her as she along with the rest of those fabulous rugby players embarks on an adventure of a lifetime.

The introduction of this inaugural women’s side speaks to the growth of the women’s game and the demand for quality games following the high caliber of the Women’s World Cup in Ireland. This movement is bridging the gap between the men and women’s game and is developing a rugby community that is supportive of the sport regardless of the gender of the player. The Barbarians club has always tried to personify the incomparably inclusive and good-hearted culture of rugby and what better way to do that than after 127 years giving the women their chance in the legendary jersey.

Amanda is a great addition to the team with two World Cups under her belt, she has represented her country 23 times for XV’s, four times for the Seven aside game, and seven international tries all together. She helped the Canadian team achieve their best finish at the 2014 World Cup with a silver medal and a fifth place finish at the 2017 Word Cup that just wrapped up in August. The 5’5 center is an absolute powerhouse in the contact area, she sees the game extremely well and shows acute tactical leadership on whatever part of the pitch she finds herself. Anyone who has ever shared a pitch with Amanda, whether it is with or against her, can attest to her unwavering work ethic and commitment to her teammates. Amanda will be joined on this famous Barbarian squad by Canada’s XV’s Captain Kelly Russell.

Amanda during RWC 17 in Aug 17


Affectionately referred to as “PUMBA”, Adam Bennett will leaving our club and returning back to his home in NZ.  He left quite the mark on the club, breaking his ankle within days of arriving well over a year ago.  But continued to stick around and support our club in many ways from showing up to every practice while still on crutches to assisting with volunteers duties of all sorts. He is a tremendous team mate and friend that is always there to help you with your problems or at least make you laugh.  His going away party on Top of the Hat at Clay and Barbara’s was a huge success with lots of supporters.  Pumba you will be missed!!

Pumba, Tua Va’a and Jay Jimmo


The club is constantly looking for volunteers to help for game day set-up and the club needs your help!!!!

At times with 4 games happening at home on a Saturday, we are sure to have an exciting weekend, but we need volunteers for: Gate, BBQ, Set up, Takedown, and 50/50.  If you can help any time between 11:15 and 4:30 (even if it’s only 20 mins) please contact either Clay Panga or Caitlin Belland at


    • Men’s Premier lose at home to a close hard hitting game to  JBAA 18-14.
    • Men’s Premier Reserve won at home over JBAA 28-5.
    • Mens 3rd Div lose at home to a close one 12-7 to CW.
  • Women’s Premier beat Seattle for 2nd time in a row 38-24 away below the border. 
NEXT WEEK- 28 Oct 17-4 HOME GAMES!!!!-Update 1
  • -Women’s 2nd Div home game vs Surrey RFC-CANCELLED
    -Women’s Premier play home to CW for 1130am.
    -Men’s Premier Reserve play home to Seattle at 1pm.
    -Men’s Premier follow at 2:35 vs Seattle.
    -Mens 3rd Div play away in Port Alberni -CANCELLED


Shannon Houston playing for Ireland National Team.

 Westshore RFC would like to introduce our new Women’s Head Coach, click here for Shannon Houston’s bio

This weekend our Westshore Junior Women were in Kamloops for the Kamloops Rugby Sevens Tournament coordinated by BC Rugby. Its one of the largest tournaments of its kind for junior rugby spread across three venues. We sent 10 of our junior women in varied age grades to play on combined teams. U18 Women Elite, U16 Women Elite and U14 Women.

Results from Kamloops:
U14s – South Island Team 1 – 1st
U14s – South Island Team 2 – 3rd (4 Westshore athletes)
U16s – 8th Place (3 Westshore athletes)
U18s – 2nd Place (3 Westshore athletes)

Our Junior Women are coached by Brittany Sims and Cory Walker and managed by Kerri Cook. The continued development of our junior women’s program depends on a strong management staff, athletes getting as much playing time as possible through a competitive schedule and ensuring these young ladies are having fun along the way. Keep up the great work ladies throughout the rest of the season!

Westshore RFC Junior Girls-Kamloops Tournament

Westshore RFC and Former Canada NSMT member put on a seminar for teacher and coaches to learn the game of rugby to disseminate that passion in the school for this grassroots movement.  It was scheduled on a PRO D day where teachers were not in classrooms teaching, held at the Westshore Parks and Rec.

Clay Panga (Far Right) instructing Teachers for a PRO D day

Westshore RFC member Maddy Aberg, who is in her 3rd year at UVIC.  Where she plays split seasons between the 2 clubs, was selected as the UVIC Player of the month for Sept.

Maddy Aberg-UVIC Player of the Month


It’s that time of year…Christmas Fundraising. Please share this with your friends and family. We earn 25% on all orders. Prices are the same as in the store.

Westshore RFC – group No. 34727 (you will set up your own account and add to the group)

Order deadline: November 27 2017
P/U- following Thursday Night practices

For every $20 box the club earns $5. That’s the easiest and yummiest $5 we can make all year.

Any problems please contact Kellyjane Hanvey 


The club has the 3rd order open for anyone wishing to purchase club apparel from our online clothing supplier-Polar Promotions.All orders placed will be compiled until OCTOBER 29, with a completion date for the week of NOVEMBER 20, 2017. If you have any questions please contact Brielle Poxon at

All Orders do not include GST.  Colors available are listed. All prices are in Canadian Dollars. All decorated and personalized goods are non-refundable once they are decorated. All completed orders will be shipped to Clayton Panga at the Westshore Rugby Club – and distributed at the designated Thursday – Club night(s). Keep in touch on Facebook!


Westshore RFC would like to welcome one of our new sponsors TERRA PACIFICA LANDSCAPING- long time supporter on and off the field, with kids in our Youth/Junior programs – owner Vahid Jalal Bossi, for all your property beautification needs: don’t forget to let them know you are from Westshore RFC. Vahid can usually be found Thursday nights at our clubhouse, or Saturday game day on the pitch side: supporting our Men’s and Women’s teams.

They can be reached at 250-813-0362
Here is their website:

    • Men’s Premier lose away to UBC 43-19.
    • Men’s Premier Reserve lose away to UBC 57-22.
  • Women’s Premier beat Seattle 77-14 at home.
NEXT WEEK- 21 Oct 17-Update 1
  • Mens 3rd Div play at home at 11:30 vs CW.
  • Men’s Premier Reserve play home to JBAA at 1pm.
  • Men’s Premier follow at 2:45 vs JBAA.
  • Women’s Premier play away in Seattle for 1pm.
  • Women’s 2nd Div game cancelled last minute.
  • Junior Girls are away to Kamloops BC for a 7’s tournament.

Sizzling Tandoor Restaurant

Westshore RFC would like to welcome one of our new sponsors SIZZLING TANDOOR RESTAURANT – many locations, and now in the Westshore Mall. We have had many players rave about the great food from this company, go and check them out: don’t forget to let them know you are from Westshore RFC.

Sizzling Tandoor features a royal array of authentic North Indian cuisine. They are committed to preserving the culture and tradition of the region with the utmost standards within culinary experiences. With versatile menu offers a selection of fresh and natural ingredients, wholesome sauces, and flavourful spices. Following the success of their first downtown location in 2012, they have been named the Best Indian Restaurant in Victoria for six years running.
Tandoor means “clay oven.” It is traditionally used for the baking of bread, meat, poultry and fish. The clay oven – for oil and fat-free cooking – is practical and energy-efficient. Today’s taste and health conscious consumers will find Tandoor cooking truly compatible and modern. All of their food is natural and freshly-prepared daily on the premises with no additives or preservatives. Their Chef’s endeavor to create a large variety of savory clay oven barbecued dishes and exotic curries for your tasting journey.

They can be reached at 778-265-9308.
Here is their website:
And Face Book page:



Prem Women’s vs Seattle at home at 1pm

Prem Men’s Reserve vs UBC in Vancouver at 1pm

Prem Men’s vs UBC in Vancouver at 230pm

WESTSHORE NSMT PLAYERS: Westshore members on the NSMT Eric Howard and Ryan Kotlewski and Andrew Ferguson played a tough match unfortunately losing 31-15 against Tonga.  Up next will be Canada vs USA on 15th Oct.

GOODLIFE MARATHON: Westshore had a great showing of volunteers assisting and setting up a water station for participants of the marathon over the Thanksgiving weekend.

FAMILY HALLOWEEN PARTY-Westshore will be hosting a family Halloween party for all members. Contact Kelly Hanvey for more information.

HOODIES: For anyone ordering hoodies from Kelly Hanvey, they are in and can be collected on Thursday nights or Saturday games.

Fuel SVN Westshore

Westshore RFC would like to welcome our new sponsor FUEL Supplements Vitamins Nutrition (SVN) – Westshore, for supporting our family. With a many of our players using various products from this great company, go and check them out: don’t forget to let them know you are from Westshore RFC.

FUEL is a natural health food store packed with supplements. When you’re trying to sculpt your body, or perform at a high level in your sport, sports nutrition supplements can help you. At Fuel SVN Westshore, we’re not just about sports supplements. We also carry healthy whole foods such as grass fed Bison, coconut oil, kale chips & savi seeds. Multivitamins and minerals are a valuable tool in helping to prevent dietary imbalances, and ensure adequate intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

They can be reached at 778-433-3835.

Here is their website:

And Face Book page:



Long rugby day for the club yesterday with a quadruple header all against Oakbay CW. With a 50/50 split.

  • Mens 3rd div lost a tough battle 28-22 (approximately).
  • Women’s premier was a 1 sided show with an 80-5 win.
  • Men’s premier reserve won a grinder 20-17.
  • With men’s premier unfortunately losing 50-7.
  • With a big win on the nightly festivities at CW clubhouse for Flip Cup Challenge

NEXT WEEK: there are no games scheduled due to Thanksgiving.

ERIC HOWARD PRO CONTRACT: Westshore RFC and NSMT member Eric Howard (Hooker) has signed a professional contract with the New Orleans Golds in the new USA Major Rugby League that kicks off in Apr 18.  Congratulations Eric!!

WESTSHORE MEMBERS MAKE NSMT FOR APC: Westshore would like to congratulate 4 of our members selected to once again represent Canada’s Men’s team in APC Rugby action in Uruguay, South America. Players Ryan Kotlewski, Eric Howard, Andrew Ferguson and Mike Michael Shelley as Head Coach. Good luck to all!! Canada faces Argentina 7 Oct, Tonga 11 Oct and USA Selects 15 Oct.…

NOR’WESTERS RFC WIN ALBERTA PROVINCIALS: An update to the story below of 3 of our members playing summer ball for NorWesters RFC: congratulations on winning the Alberta Provincials Adam Roer, Kyle Whyte and Aiden Holland.

THUNDER RFC: Westshore RFC and National Team members Clay Panga and Barbara Mervin just completed a tour through northern BC to Smithers area with the Thunder Rugby Team, promoting the sport through the aboriginal communities.

HOWLERS RUGBY: Westshore RFC and National Team members Clay Panga is joining the Howlers Nicaragua tour in May as a Player/Coach to again promote and develop the sport of rugby with other nations.  Good job Clay!



Westshore RFC would like to announce our sponsor Fernwood Health and Performance has been supporting our family for 4+ years, and Dr Bob Mabee has been with the club for 10+ years providing free adjustments on Thursdays at the club. They are located at 1405 Fernwood Rd, 778-432-2727. Here is their website:


Westshore RFC would like to welcome our sponsor NZ Builders back this year who have been supporting our family for 2 years now. With a few of our top players (David Phillips, Lucien Nel) employed with this great company. NZ Builders is a full service construction company based in Victoria since 2004. Their team can take your project from concept development to completion. With a speciality of using sustainability and innovative building technologies, suited for the coastal climate in the Pacific Northwest: such as passive solar homes. They can be reached at 250-516-6294. Here is their website:  Face Book page:


Weekend Results: 23 Sep 17

Premier Reserve Men’s team had a sound hard hitting game against Port Alberni 70-19.

3rd Div had a huge comeback win 36-28 against UVIC Saxons.

Women’s 2nd Div held the Scribes in action in Vancouver to a 5-5 tie with excellent defence.

A new trophy named Lunks Hammer will now be played for between Port Alberni Black sheep and Westshore Velox RFC.  Ex NSMT member Kevin Wirachowski, affectionately called Lunk: started at Port before shifting to UVIC and then to Velox back in the 1990’s.  This years winners was Westshore.

NEXT WEEK: Westshore action at CW at Winsor Park (don’t forget to swing by Cam Neish’s for pre game drink beside field)

3rd Div Men’s start vs CW at 10am

Prem Women’s vs CW at 11:30am

Prem Men’s Reserve vs CW at 1pm

Prem Men’s vs CW at 230pm

2nd Div Womens away to Langley in Vancouver for 11:30am KO.

Westshore in Edmonton: A few Westshore (and former Velox) players were part of the Nor’Wester Sr Men’s team that won the Edmonton Rugby Union City Championship on Sat. Congrats to Kyle Whyte, Aiden Holland and Adam Roer.  Next Sat the lads take on Calgary Hornets for the Labatt Cup in the Alberta Cup Provincial Final.  Congrats again & good luck boys!

INTERCLUB FLIP CUP TOURNEMENT: Hello teams! As we are having 2 giant club days with all 4 teams all facing off this year both clubs social directors decided it only makes sense to organize an accompanying giant social after all the games!  CW Hosting 1st half fun September 30th at 714 Discovery St (Downtown). Details: Teams of 5 will be constructed at event.  All teams will have a minimum of: 1 Male, 1 Female , 1 Westshore Player, 1 CW Player.  First Jug of Beer provided by organizers team must pitch in for remaining beers.  Super exciting prize for 1st place!!

Facebook event

SPONSORS: Westshore RFC would like to welcome new sponsor Red Arrow Brewery to our organization and family. Makers of outstanding premium Ale and Lagers…With keg for todays solid wins donated for your enjoyment. Located 5255 Chaster Rd, Duncan, 250-597-0037. Here is their website:


23 Sep 17: Our BLOG has returned from an extended vacation of sorts of visiting far away lands and acting like a drunk and rowdy rugger is expectedly to behave with epic stories….We now return to the previously scheduled program already in progress……


21 May 17- A message from Former Velox and RC NSMT Captain/Player Mark Lawson:

Doug Sturrock has recently completed and published his book “It’s a Try – The History of Rugby in Canada”. If you don’t know Doug (although it seems everyone does) he is a long time servant of the game, played rugby for UBC and Meralomas and in 1972 was appointed by the union as Honorary Historian of the game. He also coached at Magee High School in Vancouver for 30 plus years, which is how I know him, as he was my high school coach and a mentor to me through my rugby career.

This book began as Doug’s Masters thesis when he was studying at the University of Alberta in 1967, and over the past 50 years he has spent hundreds of hours researching Canadian rugby, traveled on his own dime countless times to the National Archives in Ottawa and to public libraries across the country from BC, across the prairies, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes. The book is, as he puts it in the preface, “a history of rugby in Canada from its beginning in the mid-1860s to 2011”.

The process of writing, rewriting, editing and finally publishing 650 copies of this book is a monumental achievement for Doug and his dedicated group of Magee High School alumni and other rugby friends who assisted him along the way. It’s also an immense contribution to our rugby community here in Canada by a man who is walking example of the ethos that sets this sport apart.

The books are $65 each, or $80 each if it is to be mailed in Canada (includes postage, handling, and GST)

If you want it mailed, send your request to Doug by email at, include your mailing address and send a cheque made out to Doug Sturrock Consulting. Doug’s mailing address is PO Box 772 Station Fort Langley, Langley, BC, V1M 2S2.

I am acting as Doug’s “distributor” here in Victoria, so anybody in the Victoria area who wants to avoid postage can email me at or call 778-679-4190 and I can drop a book off to you.


Link for Doug Sturrock BC Rugby Hall of Fame bio:



There is a list of lifetime members from Velox RFC inception in 1968 to Valhallian merger in 1987 to rebranding to Westshore in 2015. These Members were required to be active with the club for a minimum of 10+ years of playing/volunteering and dedication, many have doubled this time. These names have strived to lead and support this club in its many phases of life to the great organization that it is presently. Some unfortunately are not with us anymore, but all have left their mark. So when you see a life time member from the link below to our website, remember to thank them for their time and service.

I ask you: How many of the 24 members do you know, and have met? Members


Here are the winner of the club and player awards from our annual banquet held at the club on 13 May.


GREG CLAGUE AWARD: Rosie Lang, Adam Bennett



LIFETIME MEMBER AWARD: Jay Jimmo, Paul Eby, Marlene Donaldson

GEORGE JONES AWARD: Jay Jimmo, Marlene Donaldson

FRONT ROW MUG: Matt Evans (Finally..)


Mens 1st Division
1. Best Forward: Jason Gagnier
2. Best Back: Kane Wyatt
3. Most Improved: Cody Gervais
4. MVP: Clay Panga

Mens 2nd Division
1. Best Forward: Dave Morgan
2. MVP: Conrad Newell
3. Coaches Award: Daryl Hall
4. Coaches Award: Tyran Hunter

Women Premier Division:
1. Best Forward: Rosie Lang
2. Best Back: Brianna Miller
3. Most Improved: Courtney Sims
4. Best All Round Player: Elissa Alarie

Women 2nd Division:
1. Best Forward: Tanya Jones
2. Best Back: Sarah Levson
3. Most Improved: Jikel Keys
4. Best All Round Player: Katie Harms

Congratulations to all winners, your energy, passion and dedication is what helps make this club great.


Westshore is extremely proud of 13 WS RFC players making selections for both Men’s and Women’s teams for VIRU all star rep teams.  This Saturday will see the Women Crimson Tide vs Vancouver Wave KO at 12:30 at Windsor Park in Oakbay, lead by WS RFC Women’s head Coach Clay Panga.  Followed by the Men’s South Island Tide vs the North Island Tsunami at 2pm KO, with WS RFC Member John Lyall Managing.

*denotes starting position

Men’s Tide:

Jordan Tait *

Jay Jimmo

Jason Gagnier

Tua Vaa

Manager John Lyall

Women’s Tide:

Brittany Sims*

Rosie Lang*

Shannon Fitzpatrick*

Courtney Sims*

Meg Howat (Team Captain)*

Amanda Thornborough *

Melissa Sims

Tanya Jones

Angela Thompson

Coach Clay Panga


7 Westshore RFC Women Valkyries selected to RC NSWT

Westshore RFC has 7 Valkyries selected to Rugby Canada’s NSWT for the upcoming International Women’s Rugby Series in New Zealand in June.  Canada Women are presently ranked 3rd in the world, will face off against NZ on 9 June in Wellington, England on 13th June in Christ Church, and Australia on 17th June in Rotorua.

Congratulations to:

Amanda Thornborough

Chelsey Minter

Brianna Miller

Barbara Mervin

Latoya Jackson

Emily Belchos, and

Elissa Alarie



Westshore RFC would like to congratulate all players from the Women Premier Valkyries and Men 3rd Div teams for the honour of being crowned BC Provincial Champions!! The Board of directors would also like to congratulate and thank the many staff and volunteers for their support in this successful quest as well.…/westshore-rfc-wins-2-bc-provinci…/


Well done for Westshore RFC WINNING BC Semi finals. Valkyries Premier woman win over Caps 44-7. Velox 3rd div men win 62-5 over Caps as well. Both teams in Provincial finals in Abbotsford next weekend.  Bus arrangements are being set up by our club and will be in next couple of days.



Semi Final action this Saturday 29th Apr for kickoff’s:
Women Perms at 1pm, Men 2nd Div at 2:30pm.

(Bobby Iverson this is for you, Buddy)


FUND RAISER: Men’s 2 div player auction this Thursday night. 8.30 kick off, for first try scorer.

Woman Premier completed the final game of the regular season with a big win over Capilano 57-14 in Vancouver.  The 2nd Div Woman lost a tough battle in BC Quarter Final action 43-29 to Ridge Meadows, which completes their playoff run and season.  Men’s 1st Div suffered a hard fought loss to Surrey 41-33 in BC Quarter Final play, which also ends their playoffs and end to the season.  Men’s 2nd Div won the Vancouver Island Championships with 42-0 over Comox.
COMING UP: 29th Apr
BC Provincial Semi Final Action: Double header at home!!! Women Valkyries Premier kickoff at 1130 against Capilano.  Men’s 2nd div will be playing in provincial 3rd Div A slot against Capilano Academy kick off at 1pm.
We ask all club supporters to come out and cheer on our 2 teams!!
 ANNUAL BANQUET: Dress will be semi formal/formal (means dress up-no jeans, casual shirts or T-shirts or sneakers) at the clubhouse on 13th May 17. Cocktails 5-6pm, Dinner and awards from 6PM-midnight.  Tickets are $45 each, which can be purchased at link below, credit card is required for the ONLY method of payment:
 CRIMSON TIDE: Let’s get a good showing to these practices. A lot of quality in our group of players and well worthy of playing at the Tide level.

Tues 9 May: Men’s practice 6:30pm Windsor Park/Woman’s practice 6:30pm Westshore

Thurs 11 May: Men’s practice 7pm Windsor Park

Fri 12 May: Women’s practice 6:30 Westshore

Sat 13 May: Women’s game KO 1130am/Men’s game KO 1pm: both at Windsor Park

FAREWELL PARTY: A farewell social party is being held for Dane McKinney and Aidan Holland this Tuesday 25th Apr at 7:30pm at Gorge Point Pub.  Both members have had a dramatic impact into the years successes, and are moving on to Edmonton for summer play, unknown if they will be returning in the fall.  Everyone is welcome to come raise a pint!!!

Westshore RFC New Board of Directors 2017/2018
Congratulations to the newly/re elected members
• President- Mark Wyatt (Voting)
• Vice-President-Mike Holmes (Voting)
• Secretary-Cam Neish (Voting)
• Director of Men’s Rugby – Mike Shelley (Voting)
• Director of Women’s Rugby –Marlene Donaldson (Voting)
• Director of Youth Rugby –Kelly Hanvey (Voting)
• Director Membership/Registration (formerly Sgt-at-Arms) – Jay Jimmo (Voting)
• Treasurer -Christel Hume (Voting)
• • Faculties & Equipment Manager-Teri Foggitt (Voting)
• Social Director-Annie Taal/Jason Gagnier (non-Voting)
• Advertising/Fundraising Chairperson-Vacant (non-Voting)
In addition Clay Panga will be continuing as Executive Director of the Club and as ex-officio ( i.e. non-voting) member of the BOD.
