Westshore RFC Emergency Action Plan (EAP)



Location: Westshore Rec Center Fields- 1767 Island Hwy, Langford (Victoria), BC

Information Details
Charge Person:

Call Person:

–          Clancy McDonnell (WSRFC President): 778-587-4985

–          John Lyall (WSRFC Exec Dir): 250-217-9031

Emergency Services Protocol:


–          Limit scene to First Aid providers and move by-standers away from the area

–          When calling Emergency Services, provide name and title or position, current address, telephone number; number of individuals injured; condition of injured; first aid treatment; specific directions; other information as requested.

–          Contact First Aid providers through the EMERGENCY CALL PERSON

Directions to Westshore Rec Center fields from nearest major intersections: From Island Hwy & Wale Rd:

–       Drive East through lights from Wale Rd crossing Island Hwy to Ocean Blvd,

–       Take 1st left turn, into Westshore Rec Center,

–       Follow road to back of Main complex building, take 1st right,

–       Follow road to grass field in front of Q-Center (Rink),

–       For Turf field in middle of Velodrome – turn Right in front of Q-Center parking lot and proceed behind the building.


From Island Hwy & Six-mile Rd:

–       Drive South on Island Hwy past 6 Mile Pub,

–       Past Elements Casino on Island Hwy,

–       Turn Left onto Oceans Blvd,

–       Take 1st left turn, into Westshore Rec Center,

–       Follow road to back of Main complex building, take 1st right,

–       Follow road to grass field by Q-Center (Rink).

–       For Turf field in middle of Velodrome – turn Right in front of Q-Center parking lot and proceed behind the building.

Ambulance Access: –       Grass Field: Behind club house by Pro Golf Shop, around clubhouse directly onto field.

–       Turf Field: Top of velodrome parking lot in front of fencing. No direct field access.

Location of Physician: –       Closest Hospital-Victoria General 10 mins away.
Location and Access to First Aid Kit: –       Field side with onsite First Aider/Trainer.

–       Stored in field side Equipment containers.

EMS Dispatch #: 9-1-1
Facility/Security Dispatch #: -Wade Davies: Westshore Rec Center Manager of Operations, 250-474-8602

-Bryan Wood:  Westshore Rec Center Parks Supervisor, 250-478-3133

– Westshore Rec Center Main Reception: 250-478-8384


The call person contacts after calling 911 to inform of the emergency situation and that the EAP has been activated

Location of Nearest Emergency Facilities: –          Victoria General Hospital, 250-727-4212, 1 Hospital Way, Victoria
Assembly Point for Lightning or Severe Weather: Take shelter immediately in any surrounding building or metal-roofed vehicle. Stay inside for 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder is heard.
Website to check wait times at all care facilities: Edwaittimes.ca


Club COVID-19 Safety Coordinator(s) –          Primary: John Lyall: 250-217-9031

–          Secondary: Makz Foot: 250-486-2351




EAP Checklist:

  • Charge person and 2 back ups
  • Call person and secondary call person
  • Emergency phone numbers, including emergency services, facility manager or superintendent
  • Address of the site of facility and nearest hospital
  • Directions to the facility (optional: provide a map for reference to the access point for ambulance, see below for an example)
  • Additional location info as required
  • Attach each participant’s parent or caregiver contact info and medical profile to your EAP

Be Prepared:

  • Have a properly stocked first-aid kit easily accessible at all times
  • Always have a cell phone with a fully charged battery
  • Know the location of a telephone you can use if you are unable to use a cell phone

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Charge Person – This person must wear a mask and gloves while assessing an injury
    • This person should be the team therapist or a coach
    • Conduct an initial assessment of the injury
    • Protect yourself with gloves and a mask if you cannot maintain a distance of 2 metres
    • Assess ABCs (Airway is clear, Breathing and pulse are present, Circulation check for no major bleeding)
    • Wait with the injured person until the ambulance arrives and the injured person is transported
    • Record the injury using the Club’s accident report form
  2. Call Person – This person must wear a mask and gloves while the EAP is activated
    • This person is appointed by the charge person
    • Call the ambulance and relays necessary information about the injury over the phone, including: facility location, nature of injury, description of first aid that has been done, allergies and other medical problems for the athlete
  3. Secondary Call Person – This person must wear a mask and gloves while the EAP is activated
    • Assist the call person with crowd control, to help direct the ambulance when it arrives.
    • Call the contact person listen on the injured person’s medical profile

Activating the EAP:

  1. Control the environment
    1. When a participant is injured, control the environment to prevent further harm: stop activity, shelter the injured person if outdoors, wear gloves and a mask
  2. Assess the situation (charge person performs ABCs)
    1. Activate the EAP if the participant: (to activate, the Charge person directs the call person to call 9-1-1)
      1. Isn’t breathing
      2. Doesn’t have a pulse
  • Is bleeding excessively
  1. Shows impaired consciousness (confused or disoriented)
  2. Injured their back, neck or head
  3. Visible, major trauma to a limb
  1. Move to Step 3 if the participant doesn’t show any of the above signs
  1. Gather the facts
    1. Talk to the injured person and ask anyone else who saw what happened. If possible, the participant should move themselves off the playing surface. Never attempt to move an injured participant yourself. Stay with the injured participant and help them stay calm
  2. Assess the injury
    1. Someone with first aid training should complete an injury assessment and decide how to proceed. Activate the EAP if the assessor is not sure how severe the injury is or there is nobody with first-aid training present. If the assessor is sure it’s a minor injury, continue to step 5
  3. Control the return to activity
    1. The participant can return to activity after a minor injury if they show none of these symptoms:
      1. Swelling
      2. Deformity
  • Continued bleeding
  1. Reduced range of motion or appearance of compensating for the injury
  2. Pain during activity
  3. Concussion-related symptoms
  1. Document and communicate
    1. Record the injury on your club’s accident report form and tell the participant’s parents/caregivers about the injury

Map Example (Reference to the Access Point for the Ambulance)