Annual General Meeting – May 27, 2021

West Shore Rugby Club’s AGM on May 27th, 2021 at 7pm

For those interested please mark your calendar.


Chaired by the president (Mike Holmes) the meeting will start at 7pm sharp. Please keep your microphone muted, if you wish to speak, please indicate via the chat feature, and wait for the chair to call on you.

  • Directors Reports
  • Other business
  • Election for Board Positions (chaired by 3rd party)

Applications for Board Positions

We have 6 positions that are up for applications (5 have returning incumbents and 1 is open/available). If you want to get involved and help operate and improve the club, please think about applying for a spot on the board. All applications are to be sent to no later then May 19th, please include a brief bio introducing yourself and your qualifications for the position applying for.

President                                                                   (incumbent – Mike Holmes)

Vice President                                                          (incumbent – Cam Neish)

Director of Jr Girls and Women’s Rugby           (Incumbent – Barbara Mervin)

Director of Youth Rugby – U8 to U12                 (Incumbent – Kelly Hanvey)

Secretary                                                                    (incumbent – Terri Foggitt)

Director of Membership and Registration           Vacant


AGM Meeting – We are holding the AGM on the Zoom platform, the link to the meeting will be sent to all members via email as well as posted here.

Election Process

The 2021 – 2022 Board of Directors Election will be held using an online election tool run by a third-party chair. One vote per member in good standing for each position.

May 19thApplications for Board Positions are due.

May 20th – Membership will be notified all nominees intention to run for a position, along with their bio. This will be distributed via email and include a link to the AGM Zoom meeting and a link an online election tool.

May 27th Election Chair will “open the vote” at the beginning of the AGM and close vote 30min after end of the AGM. Results will be emailed to secretary by election chair.

Member in good standing – members that are in good standing and eligible to vote in the AGM include:

  • Those registered for play and paid in Fall of 2020.
  • Board of Directors
  • Lifetime Members
  • Social Members that are currently registered for the 2020-2021 season or that register by May 20th, 2021 at a cost of $50 (that will be applied to 2021-2022 social membership) * To register as a social member please e-transfer due to