ARRIVAL PROCEDURE (15 mins prior to any training time slot)
- If earlier than 15 mins all members and/or parents must wait in their vehicle in the Waiting Area Zone identified on Map.
- Proceed to drop off Member participating in session in Drop Off Area Zone and park vehicle, or park vehicle and proceed to Entry Point Zone:
- Suggested all members wear a mask while presenting to check in table/tent to On-Site Field Manager.
- Everyone must use hand sanitization station in Entry Point Zone.
- Confirmation of Sportlomo Attestation Complete.
- If member is a child: child is left and parent returns to vehicle and/or moves to outside of chained area surrounding field.
- Coach is present in tent to receive training group.
- Coach leads training group onto designated Zone through the designated Entry Point Zone.
Protect against infections for participants:
- Remain at least 2 meters apart from other players. Do not make physical contact with them (e.g. NO SHAKING HANDS OR A HIGH FIVES).
- Avoid touching your face after handling a ball, or other equipment. Wash your hands promptly if you have touched your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Do not share food, drinks or towels.
- Remain apart from other players when taking a break.
- Vehicles with drivers may drive to the designated Pick Up Area at the end of practice within 5 mins.
- Members will be moved from field through into designated Exit Point Area.
- All members must use hand sanitization station in this area before exiting.
- Then proceed to the Pick Up Area to either catch their present ride, or walk to the parking area for their personal vehicle.