Westshore RFC COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan


Westshore RFC retains the overall responsibility for the effective management and implementation of the safe rugby activities under this Plan.

The Volunteer Board of Directors of Westshore RFC is responsible for:

·               Approving the Plan and overseeing the implementation of all elements in this Plan; and

·               Revising the Plan as required, ensuring it reflects up to date information from Rugby Canada and BCRU as well as the relevant government and health officials.

Westshore RFC has appointed the following individual as the Club COVID-19 Safety Coordinator(s) to execute delivery of this Plan and to act as the point of contact for information relating to this Plan:


Name Jay Jimmo
Contact Email James.Jimmo@shaw.ca
Contact Phone Number 250-588-1696
Name John Lyall
Contact Email Johnlyall4@gmail.com
Contact Phone Number 250-217-9031


If any individual who has attended in-person rugby activities within the last 14 days is experiencing persistent or worsening symptoms of COVID-19, the following steps must be taken:

·            The unwell person is to immediately notify the Westshore RFC COVID Safety Coordinators – Jay Jimmo and/or John Lyall, or BC Rugby’s COVID-19 Manager- Brynna Walker. The Westshore RFC COVID Safety Coordinators are to immediately inform the BC Rugby’s COVID-19 Manager who shall inform Rugby Canada’s COVID-19 Manager.

·            The unwell person is required to follow all medical and government instruction on managing their worsening or persistent COVID symptoms.

·            All individuals recorded as attending the same in-person rugby activities within the last 14 days are contacted by Westshore RFC COVID Safety Coordinators – Jay Jimmo and /or John Lyall, or BC Rugby’s COVID-19 Manager- Brynna Walker and instructed to self-monitor. Any notification to those individuals must avoid identifying the individual who is/was experiencing symptoms.


If any individual who has attended in-person rugby activities within the last four weeks tests positive for COVID-19, the following steps must be taken:

·               The infected person is to immediately notify the Westshore RFC COVID Safety Coordinators – Jay Jimmo and/or John Lyall, or BC Rugby’s COVID-19 Manager- Brynna Walker. The Westshore RFC COVID Safety Coordinators are to immediately inform the BC Rugby’s COVID-19 Manager who shall inform Rugby Canada’s COVID-19 Manager.

·               The infected person is required to follow all medical and government instruction on managing their diagnosis. The infected person may only return to rugby activities once cleared as noncontagious by provincial or local public health authorities and has provided to BC Rugby written confirmation from a medical doctor of the same.

·               All in-person rugby activities and facilities that the infected person has attended in the last four weeks are immediately suspended for a minimum of two weeks.

·               All individuals recorded as attending the same in-person rugby activities are contacted by BC Rugby or Westshore RFC COVID Safety Coordinators – Jay Jimmo and /or John Lyall, informed of their close contact with an infected person and instructed to self-isolate in line with medical and government instruction. Any notification to those individuals must avoid identifying the individual who was diagnosed.

·               BC Rugby’s COVID Manger-Brynna Walker shall notify the Provincial/Regional Health Authority as regulated and relay any instructions to the Member Organization and Rugby Canada.

·               Rugby Canada’s COVID Safety Contact shall assemble an Emergency Management Team, in line with Rugby Canada’s COVID Emergency Response Plan.


BC Rugby and Westshore RFC are to adopt and follow this collaborative, coordinated response plan in the event of one or more rugby participants testing positive for COVID.

In that event, the Rugby Canada COVID Contact will assemble an Emergency Management Team to coordinate a diligent response.


The Emergency Management Team (EMT) shall be responsible for gathering and verifying the facts, determining the level of the emergency, leading communications to all stakeholders, including media, and determining a recovery process. The EMT shall consist of the following representatives:

·               Paul Hunter – Rugby Canada COVID Safety contact

·               Jamie Levchuk – Managing Director, Communications (Rugby Canada)

·               Billy Longland – Chief Medical Officer (Rugby Canada)

·               Allen Vansen – CEO (Rugby Canada)

·               BC Rugby COVID Safety Manager – Brynna Walker (covidsafety@bcrugby.com)

·               BC Rugby CEO – Annabel Kehoe or designate

·               Westshore RFC Primary COVID Safety Coordinator – Jay Jimmo (james.jimmo@shaw.ca)

·               Westshore RFC Secondary COVID Safety Coordinator – John Lyall (Johnlyall4@gmail.com)


The EMT will classify the emergency, based on as many verified facts as possible, as an issue, an incident, or a crisis. For any of the categories below, a situation report should be prepared by the Club COVID Safety Coordinator(s), Jay Jimmo and John Lyall, to ensure facts are understood including:

·               Complete description of the situation (who, what, where, how, and who has been contacted/involved)

·               Additional individuals/groups affected (if any)

·               Severity/impact at time of reporting

·               Current local priorities/actions

1.        ISSUE LEVEL

Event: Positive COVID test of one participant

Characterisation: Generally, does not have serious implications. Single individual impacted.

Media Involvement: Limited or None


·               First point of contact assesses facts; escalates to Westshore RFC Safety Coordinators, Jay Jimmo and/or John Lyall

·               Appropriate local actions and communications undertaken

·               BC Rugby COVID Safety Manager advised of issue (covidsafety@bcrugby.com)

·            Situation logged and monitored


Event: COVID outbreak within Club or region (two or more connected participants)

Characterization: Moderate to serious implications. Multiple individuals impacted.

Media Involvement: Limited but could escalate


·         BC Rugby COVID Safety Manager is advised of escalation (covidsafety@bcrugby.com)

·         Rugby Canada COVID contact is notified – EMT is convened ASAP

·         Media stand by statement is crafted if necessary (i.e. we are assessing the facts and will advise on situation as soon as possible)

·         EMT works through duties

·         Provincial Health Authority is advised as required


Event: Continued COVID outbreak within Club or region / Participant experiencing life-threatening illness or loss of life due to COVID

Characterization: Life-threatening implications to one or more individuals.

Media Involvement: situation has been picked up and/or request for comment has been made


·               EMT re-convenes to assess additional facts

·               EMT works through duties

·               Spokesperson identified

·               Message development


Any questions from the media must be deferred to the EMT and Managing Director, Communications who will designate an appropriate spokesperson. The principal reason for nominating spokespeople is to make sure all questions are dealt with promptly, thoroughly, and courteously. COVID Safety Coordinators and Club Leaders are not responsible for answering questions.