Legacy Fund

BUILDING OUR FUTURE with Canadian Rugby Foundation (CRF)

Be a part of the future of the club. We want to have the ability to fund our programs in the future as we move out to the Westshore. Our “business” model will be changing as we will no longer have significant revenues from a clubhouse and we need your help. By building an endowment with Canadian Rugby Foundation we will ensure our success for the long term. Donations are fully tax deductible and matched within the Canadian Rugby Foundation 1 dollar for every 4 donated. If we can get 40 donors at 25 dollars each‎ we will be able to build our fund quickly and allow it to generate the income to develop all of our rugby programs. Please participate. ” ~ Former Westshore Velox RFC President; Mark Wyatt.

Past & Current Westshore Velox RFC Legacy Fund contributors:

-Anthony Mirando                                   -Aptoella Rugby Apparel                            -Barbara Mervin

-Bob McCliggott                                       –Cam Neish                                                    -Claire Flewellin-Wyatt

Clay Panga                                               -Conrad Newell                                             –Craig White Homebuilders

-Dan Ehle                                                  -David Galbraith                                           -David Morgan

-David Phillips                                         -Davine Burton                                              -Fraser McColl

-Gerald Hartwig                                       -James Jimmo                                               -James Skailes Electrical

-Jack Poulter                                             -Jeff Constantinescu                                    -Jim Hume

-John Howe                                               -John Lyall                                                     -John MacMillan

-John David McMillan                            -Jones, EMery, Hargreaves, Swan LLP    -Lake Cowichan Adventures

-Mark Wyatt                                              -Mike Holmes                                                -Neil Hagerty

-Nicola/Eric Hersant                               -Steve Nash                                                    -Steve Neish

-Ray Cooper


CRF Mission

The Foundation shall provide grants for the development of the sport of rugby in Canada through the growth and stewardship of a permanent endowment fund. These grants shall be awarded to qualified recipients to support programs that improve the quality of, and expand the game of, rugby in Canada, while meeting the objectives of the Foundation.

About CRF Charity

The Canadian Rugby Foundation operates independently of, but cooperatively with, Rugby Canada. The Foundation is a non-profit organization governed by a Board consisting of directors appointed by the Foundation from donating members, and from Rugby Canada. The Canadian Rugby Foundation is a Canadian Not-for-Profit Corporation incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act, registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a public foundation. The Canadian Rugby Foundation is required by law to distribute a percentage of its assets annually.

How to Donate Online to Westshore Velox RFC Fund:

  1. Visit www.canadiarugbyfoundation.ca
  2. Click ‘Make A Donation’ button and you will be redirected to our donation site called ‘Canada Helps’
  3. You will be defaulted to a ‘one time donation’ page, however the next tab will allow you to also ‘donate monthly’.
  4. Enter your one time or monthly donation amount and select the fund you wish to contribute to from the drop down menu (ei. Velox Fund)
  5. Click ‘Continue with my Donation’
  6. Enter contact information and payment type
  7. Canada helps will issue tax receipt after transaction is approved

For any questions or comments please contact following:

Westshore RFC: John Lyall

CRF Org: Bethany Crowther.